Post by Shadow Master on Mar 23, 2021 8:39:21 GMT
Chapter 7 of Champion Road continues: I don't know who Toi is supposed to be (Akira Taue is listed as Sagami - not Toi). But, the others are: Saeba (Akira Maeda), Kajiwara (Yoshiaki Fujiwara), Mito (Osamu Kido), Higaki (Masakatsu Funaki) and Mizuki (Minoru Suzuki) クラウザー「サエバもカジワラもミトも 私の息子のようなもんだ. その彼らの弟子であるおまえやヒガキやミヅキやトーイは皆, わしの孫のようなものだ. My guess is Toi is Yuki (rl name Toyohiko) Ishikawa. He was usually just called "TOY" by foreign wrestlers while using his real name, since Toyohiko is apparently difficult to pronounce. Though he was still a rookie in 1994, he was one of Fujiwara's star pupils along with Masakatsu Funaki and Minoru Suzuki, as well as being another trainee of Karl Gotch like Kido, Maeda, and Fujiwara himself. I had a feeling you'd step in with the right answer. Going to have to start calling you sensei soon.
Post by Shadow Master on Mar 23, 2021 19:52:47 GMT
Chapter 8 of Champion Road's translation attempt continues: SHADはタイに来ていた。 クラウザーと出会って以来, その教えに従い,貧欲に練習を続けた. バンコク滞在の目的は、ムエタイ技術の修得にある. It's more than likely that Chanpus is the Fire Pro rename of noted Thai fighter Chanpuek Kiatsongrit. 『最強のムエタイ戦士』チャンプスは 心良くトレーナーを買って出てくれた. 到着した夜, SHADはホテルでいつになくリラックスしていた。 ふいに、電話が鳴った. SHADがなにげなく受話器を取ると, その向こうには意外な人が・・・・ "[INSERT]...." [INSERT] "麗子さん!...." 麗子「すぐ近くのホテルにいるわ. 今すぐ、来て下さらない? 待っているわ・・・」 This one was also translated as "what the hell is with that guy?" which I felt was incorrect. SHAD「なぜなんだ,俺に何の話しがあるというんだ? あの人は・・・・一体」 バンコクの夜はエキゾチックなムードを漂わせている. 膨張するアジアNマーケットの異常な活気は, 精神の覚醒が始まろうとしてる合図なのか・・・ SHADの時計は11時を回っていたが, 街の灯は一向に消える気配を見せない. ホテルのネオンサインは怪しく光輝いている. この街と同じように退廃の時を暗示して・・ この街は眠らない. 東京と同じように世界の退廃を暗示して・・ I'm just a little sore from constantly losing to your brother is all. 麗子「ずいぶんと遅いのね.もう来ないかと思ったわ。」 SHAD"麗子さん, あなたはこの俺をからかっているのか? どうしてまた...." 麗子「おだまりなさい! 男のおしゃべりはみっともなくってよ・・・ Thanks, but I'm more of a Netflix and chill kind of guy. ブランデーでもお飲みになったら、リラックスするわよ.」 SHAD「俺は酒には頼らない. このコンディションを守るため,師の教えに従って!」 Well, for starters.... 麗子「すいぶん立派になったようね・・・ あらっ , おかしいわ、どうしたのかしら私ったら・・・ ・・・心がときめいているの?」 You don't say! 麗子「SHAD・・・・私も女. 愛されることが嬉しくないはずはない. あなたの好意に気持ちが揺らいでいるのは・・ SHAD「俺はこの弱い精神を克服したい. 自分のため,そして君のために. この俺を支え見守ってくれる人達の誠意に応えたい. だが,君の存在は日に日に俺の中で大きくなっていく. 忘れようと何度も思った. 会ってはいけないと何度も思った・・・ けどっ, 君の姿を見るとそんな決意はどこかに吹っ飛んでしまう。 愚か者だよ,俺は..." 麗子「運命の悪戯なのかしら. あなたと私は出会ってはいけなかったのかもしれない.」 SHAD「それじゃああまりにも悲し過ぎる. 君と共有した時間はかけがえのないもの, 今この瞬間がいつまでも続くのならばどれだけ幸せか。」 麗子「SHAD , あなたはプロレスラー. その甘さは罪. 兄に勝てない理由はその甘さなのよ. あなたの周りにいるすべてのレスラーが敵なの. 憧れの冴刃明はもういない, 出口のない迷路に入り込んでしまったのよ. 私は『魔性の女』,男を喰いつくすの動物. あなたのすべてを奪ってしまうかもしれない. けれどもあなたは、今までのどの男とも違う。 特別な人 だから、失いたくないの・・・・ どうすればいいの? ・・私には見えない・・・・あなたに決めてほしいの. SHAD・・・・・・いいのよ・・・ [INSERT] "麗子さん!...." 麗子 "[INSERT]....." Oh, hero, you sly dog, you. SHAD「・・すまない. 俺はまだ君と向き合う資格はない. 大事にしたいんだ、君のすべてを. だからその時まで・・・・・もう少し・・・」 麗子「もういいわ・・・・・・・帰って! わかってる、わかってはいるの. いまが一番大事な時ですもの・・・ ................早く!" SHAD「・・・・・・・・・さ・・さようなら.」
Post by Shadow Master on Mar 24, 2021 1:13:57 GMT
Now, let's begin Chapter 9: Sounds like the writer Goichi Suda had the song "One night in Bangkok" on his mind! Another vice from the Wrestling world: substance abuse. 故郷に戻れない苦しさ、 酒に頼るだけの日々が続いた. ドランカーになりつつあるSHAD・・・・
Now, I've noticed there's a difference in text between having selected either Spike (Sting) or The Underground (Undertaker) as your partner from the beginning of Champion Road.
「レスラーにアルコールとは、滑稽だね.」 It looks like I'll be reaching Chapter 9 with Sting, Rude and Undertaker to get all of the different text for this part. But, for now, I need to take a break.
Post by Shadow Master on Mar 25, 2021 22:20:48 GMT
Since I found out each of the first three rivals (Undertaker, Sting and Rude) have their own separate dialogue in Chapter 9, I decided to play through Champion Road once again (VIEW, OLIVE and UWH branches) with Rick Rude just to see if there was any variation in text up to that point. 「真っ昼間から酒盛りかい.いいご身分だね。」 SHAD「誰だっ!やかましい!」 [INSERT] "ロードか?" ...a Dick Road-trip?! Sign me up! ロード「何やってんだっ、こんな場末の酒場で. しけた顔して,こっちまで憂鬱になっちまうよ. まあいいさ、旅に出るぞ! わざわざ迎えに来てやったんだ,感謝しろ. いくぞ!」 Random trivia: in the Special guide, Rude's Fire Pro rename is listed as Dick Lord. SHAD「ロード,何か企んでいるだろ.吐け!」 Yes. Unless it's against Akira Saeba. ロード「まあまあSHADちゃん,慌てなさんな. おまえ,ケンカは得意か?」 SHAD「ケンカ? 何のことだ。」 Gruesome Fighting Championship is the Fire Pro rename of the UFC.
ロード「『グルーサムファイティング・チャンピオンシップ』 あれに出るんだよ.」 SHAD「何だそりゃ? 大袈裟な名前だな.喧嘩の大会か何かか?」 You could also use "That's a good guess, [INSERT]-chan". ロード「ご名答だよ , SHADちゃん. ブラジルの総合格闘技, ステイシー柔術のヴォイス・ステイシーを倒すんだ。 著名な格闘家が次々と倒されている,5分と持たずにな. そこで, プロレスラーの登場って訳だ。」 SHAD「柔術・・・・・・しかし、危険な大会だな. ロード , 大丈夫なのか?」 ロード「何だ、大丈夫かって、 意味がわからんぞ , SHAD.ちゃんと自覚してくれ.」 SHAD「おいおい、ひょっとしてその大会に出るのは, 俺なのか?」 ロード「当り前だろ!俺が出てどうする!」 」 I think an even better translation for the above screen would be "What for?" (as in, what would I be doing). SHAD「何で?」 ロード「この俺様のセクシーなお顔に, 傷でもできたらどうするんだ! 無意味な喧嘩は,俺の性分に合わん!」 SHAD「・・・・・・・ほー、凄い言い訳だな. それはともかく,柔術っていうのが気になる・・・ 日本古来の武道が このアメリカでブラジル人に牛耳られている. I'll post the rest of the screens and variations in text for this part later.
Post by Shadow Master on Mar 26, 2021 8:01:27 GMT
We're up to screen 744. Chapter 9 continues with Rick Rude's variation of the story: 血が騒ぐ・・・・・・その話, 乗った!」 ロード「そうか! セコンドは任せとけ、おまえは闘うことだけ考えていればいい An oni with an iron club is a Japanese saying which translates when can be translated as "being undefeatable". Something strong becomes even stronger. SHAD「それはそれは有難いことで、鬼に金棒だよ!」 ロード「はっ?」 SHAD「日本のことわざだ。」 Now... let's rewind and take a look at Underground (Undertaker)'s variation in text for Chapter 9 if our hero picked him as his rival: "[INSERT]!" SHAD「お、おまえは・・・」 [INSERT] "アンダーグラウンド.." アンダーグラウンド「SHAD・ 馬鹿者: ・ 車・・・乗れ.」 SHAD「アンダー , すまないな.俺を探しにわざわざ・・」 アンダーグラウンド「デンバー・・・・・・・・・行く・・・ ステイシー・・・ ・闘う.」 SHAD「ひょっとして,ステイシー柔術か? 闘うって,アンダーおまえ,出場するのか?」 アンダーグラウンド「アンダー・ ・・SHAD・・ ・闘う ・・セコンド」 SHAD「俺にセコンドを? ,残念だな. 『グルーサムファイティング・チャンピオンシップ』だっけ? 俺が頂くよう. アンダーグラウンド「SHAD・・・・・ダメだ・・ '」 This one I had a bit of difficulty with over the last sentence. SHAD「アンダー , 通訳は俺しかいないだろう? と、言うことは俺の一言でどうにでもなるよな?」 アンダーグラウンド「SHAD・・・・・・・汚い・・」 SHAD「そんなに怒らないでくれよ. これは日本人の意地なんだ. だから・・・わかってくれ、なっ?」 アンダーグラウンド「SHAD・・ ・恩知らず ・悪党」 SHAD「ちょっとひどいぞ,今のは.」 アンダーグラウンド"SHAD........ろくでなし" Now let's rewind and view the last rival's dialogue for this part of Chapter 9: 「なんだと!貴様っ!」 [INSERT] "スパイク!" スパイク「久しぶりだな.しかし・・・ なんだそのザマは.情けないぞ. そんな加リーの塊飲んでたらブヨブヨの体になっちまうぞ. コンディショニングは基本だろ. 俺が食事制限してやる. 早く車に乗れ!」 SHAD「スパイク,どこへ行くんだ. 俺には安らぎが・・ スパイク「とぼけたこと言ってんなっ! 知ってるだろ , ステイシー柔術 あの大会に参戦するんだ。」 SHAD「なんだ? そのステイシー柔術って言うのは.」 The middle sentence was rough to translate. スパイク「おまえ,そんなことも知らんのか! めでたい奴だよまったく. ようは,ブラジルで生まれた柔術だよ. そこの連中が圧倒的な強さを見せているのが, 『グルーサムファイティング・チャンピオンシップ』. いわゆるケンカ大会だ. 八角形のリングに閉じ込められて, なんでも有りのルールで2人の男が闘う. 公の場でのフリーファイティングさ. それに出るんだよ、俺が, そのセコンドについてもらおうと思ってな, 苦労したぜおまえを探すの.」 SHAD「ちょっと待ってくれっ!スパイク! その大会俺にやらせてくれないか?」 スパイク「冗談じゃねーよ, やっとここまでこぎつけたんだ. SHAD, おいしいところ持ってくなよ!」 SHAD「柔術は日本の武道だ.だから,なっ.頼む!」 This screen may need some revision as well. スパイク「ダメだ!おまえさっきまで、安らぎとか・・・」 [INSERT] "頼む!" スパイク "ダメだ!" And then our hero starts arguing with Spike. [INSERT] "頼む!" スパイク "ダメだ!" [INSERT] "頼む!" スパイク "やれやれ."
Post by Shadow Master on Mar 28, 2021 8:07:06 GMT
Chapter 9 of Champion Road continues: In my last few posts, our hero met up again with one of three rivals that they befriended from the beginning of Champion road. Now, both our hero and their rival have decided to enter the Gruesome Fighting Championship.
デンバーのグルーサム会場は異様な熱気に包まれていた. 世紀の残酷ショーを一目見ようと, 底抜けに明るいアメリカ人は狂気乱舞し, 期待をふくらませている. 世界各国から集まった16人の格闘家 . 彼等の生死をかけた闘いは、 このオクタゴン・リングでおこなわれる. 伝説の格闘技・ステイシー柔術が主催するこの大会は, バーリ・トゥードと呼ばれる ブラジル産の試合スタイルを前提とし , 目潰し以外はすべてオープンルール. 顔面へのパンチ・踏みつけ・急所攻撃など, さまざまな格闘技でタブーとされていた禁じ手を解放した, 格闘技史上最も残虐かつ,過酷な闘いである. Voyce Stacey (Royce Gracie) won the very first UFC Championship in 1993. Which inspired this portion of the Champion Road story and provided the first ever UFC-inspired Octagon in any Wrestling game by that point. 今回で第4回目となるが, 過去おこなわれた三大会はすべて ステイシーファミリーの代表, ヴォイス・ステイシーが優勝. Ken Shamrock did appear in the original UFC tournament, too. ハイクラスに所属するあのウィン・ハーロックも 2回参戦しているが,ヴォイスを破るには至っていない. 格闘技に生きる者にとってはまさに踏み絵であり, 避けて通ることの出来ない 悲しい十字架を背負わせた非生産的な大会でもあった. 特に日本人には...... デンバーの気温は急激に上昇し, ファイターもオーディエンスも異様にヒートアップしている. まるで狂ったかのように....... 闘いは始まり,再び , ブラジルの逆襲が始まる! Wikipedia defines the sumo term "Anko" as: "Anko (Sumo) -The body shape of a sumo wrestler who is hungry and fat."
翻不思議ないでたちでスモウ・レスラー,嵐山は登場した. 巨大なアンコ体型のうえにマスクマン , ねじれた感性は この異常な会場のムードと実によくマッチしていた.
That's just under 400lbs!
Arashiyama is based on real-life Sumo turned Wrestler Arashi (which means "Storm" in Japanese). At the time, Arashi competed for fellow ex-Sumo Genichiro Tenryu's WAR promotion. In the early stages of Arashi's WAR tenure, he also started as a masked man.
そして, その地を揺さぶるような体重180キロの巨体は, フリーファイトにおいて最も有利, かつ圧倒的な威圧感がある. 観客はこの化け物とプロレスラーの闘いを心待ちにしていた. 恐ろしい惨劇を・・・・ アンダーグラウンド「SHAD・・・・・・頑張れ.」 SHAD「覚悟はできている. 何かあったら頼むよ,アンダー.」 スパイク「つぶされるな.セルフコントロールだ.」 SHAD「ああ、大丈夫.大丈夫だ・・・」 So, keep your eyes on your 400lb enemy, [INSERT]! スパイク「雰囲気に飲まれたら終りだ」 ロード「脚を狙え!巨漢殺しの鉄則だ。」 SHAD「OK!わかっている。」 ロード「ミンチにされるなよ, ヘッヘッヘッヘツ」 New chapter, new losing message from our hero's trainer. 一徹「なにも恐れることはない. 恐怖に打ち勝つのだ!」 失神する観客, 荒れ狂う観客, 場内はすでに野獣の巣と化していた. General Bordeaux is based on Gerard Gordeau who competed against Royce Gracie as the final match in the first UFC tournament.
Gordeau's inclusion allows player to recreate this match in Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special.
ジェネラル・ボルドーはかくも恐ろしい殺人マシーン. 殺し屋の風貌, 冷酷無比なファイトには本物の殺意がにじみでている. 様々な闘い・修羅場を体験し、その闘いぶりは実戦的. しかも、計算された狂気. 躊躇なくダウンしている相手の顔面を蹴る姿は, 観ている者の脳裏にその残虐な映像をクッキリと焼きつけた. 天才的な才能を持ったストリートファイター. 戦慄の瞬間が近づく。 アンダーグラウンド「SHAD・・・・・・頑張れ.」 SHAD「アンダー・・・恐ろしいよ, あいつに殺されるんじゃないかと.」 I never seen the Undertaker being so nice! Forget the Attitude era, this is the Gratitude era! アンダーグラウンド「SHAD・・・・はプロレスラー. 自信を・・・・・・持て. きっと・・勝てる.」 SHAD「そうだ、勝つしかないんだ. 今さら逃げられない.ステイシーを倒すまで.」 That's not very helpful, Spike!!! スパイク「死ぬなよ, SHAD. ボルドーは殺し屋だ,殺られる前に殺れ」 [INSERT] "......" スパイク「しっかりするんだ! ここまで来たんだ, ヴォイスまであと一つ. もう、そこまで来ているんだ!」 ロード「立ち技じゃかなわない、グラウンドに持ち込め. 活路は見えるだろう。」 Sounds like our hero is nervous. SHAD「これこそ喧嘩だ. それだけに絶対に絶対に絶対に・ ロード「落ち着け, SHAD.冷静になれサンドバックにされちまうぞ!」 観客の大半の予想をくつがえしたSHAD. この番狂わせに場内は異様などよめきに包まれた. ファイナルは迫る. I believe Jackson Stacy is the original Fire Pro rename of Rickson Gracie; Royce Gracie older brother. 『バーリ・トゥードの帝王』 ジャクソン・ステイシーを兄に持つヴォイスは, 既にその実力で兄を超えようとしている. 自信に満ち溢れる怒涛の表情は,ボルドーとはまた違った, 美しい殺気をたたえている. 『常に相手の千手先を読んでいる』といった発言は, その合理的なファイトスタイルに裏づけされていた. この男に土をつけた者はまだいない. 世界中の格闘家たちの目はデンバーに集中していた. ただの喧嘩マッチ大会がいつしか 格闘技哲学を競いあう世紀の大一番となった. ヴォイス・ステイシーの顔が硬直している・・・ アンダーグラウンド「SHAD・・・・・・ラストだ。」 SHAD「やっと来たか,ここまで. ・・・せっかくの決勝だ勝つしかない. そうだろ、アンダー.」 アンダーグラウンド「勝つ・・・・・勝つ・・・・勝つ.」 SHAD「これは 日本vsブラジルの代理戦争だ. 武道の心は日本にあることを思い知らせてあげよう. 最強はこの俺だ!」 スパイク「凄いよ、おまえは、 何も言うことはない、思う存分闘え!」 SHAD「スパイク, おまえのおかげだ.ありがとう.」 スパイク「馬鹿!試合前だ,礼なんて後にしろ. 今はヴォイスの事だけ考えればいい. 生半可に勝てる相手じゃないぞ. 最後のセコンド,しっかり努めてやる.いくぞ!」 Yoshha! Is a phrase you might recall hearing in Fire Pro World until certain Wrestler's sound clips. It's the equivalent of booyah! All right! I did it! or any other energetic phrase to my understanding. SHAD「よっしゃぁ!!」 ロード「気を抜くなよ, ここで勝たなきゃ俺の苦労が台無しだからな.」 SHAD「そんなことはわかっている. 悪いが俺は俺のために闘うんだ, おまえの苦労の為ではない。」 ロード「ヘッヘッヘッヘッ、その物言いおまえらしいな. いってこい!あとのシリ描いは俺が全部やってやる.」 SHAD「フッフッ・・・日本人の生き様,見せてやるっ!」 勝利者インタビューのマイクがSHADに向けられ, 場内はうってかわって静まりかえった. SHADの声がオクタゴンにこだまする・・・ SHAD「よく聞け!この闘いは個人のモノだ! 決してプロレスの勝利ではない! 俺は日本の武道をステイシーファミリーから取り返すために闘っただけ. ケンカ自慢に来たわけではない! すべてのストリートファイターに告ぐ! 金が欲しい者・人を殺したい者が集い、 闘え! この闘いは格闘家のキャリアにはならない, なぜならこの俺が勝ったからだ! 俺のプロレスの技術がケンカでも通用することを, たった今証明した。 勝利ではなく、証明をするためだけの闘いなんだ! これで終わりにする! そして,すべてのマスコミに告ぐ! 人気に便乗し, その場限りの野次馬報道で神聖な格闘技を汚す のはペンの暴力だ! 利益のために, ファイターたちの心をかき乱すのは断じて許さん! I also read that chigau ka 違うか means "different?" in Japanese. Could be corrected as "is it different, Voice"? Other than emphasizing a shocked reaction from the crowd, I have no idea why a girl's crying was mentioned. 静寂の中, 『グルーサムファイティング・チャンピオンシップ』 は幕を閉じた。 少女の泣き声だけを残して・・・・・
Post by Shadow Master on Mar 29, 2021 19:18:18 GMT
40+ screens were added to my previous post; rounding off Chapter 9. Now, I'll attempt Chapter 10. Would make a pretty cool band name, doncha think? 摩天楼の憂うつ 戦慄の『グルーサムファイティング・チャンピオンシップ』 から数ヵ月, SHADとロードは全米サーキットに出ていた. 最終目的はニューヨーク 自由の女神は何を語りかけているのか. 自由と成功のシンボルは不気味な光を放つ、淡々と変化なく, そして永遠に.... ロンドンにいるはずのダイナミック・キッドは, ここニューヨークにいた. WWCタッグチャンピオンとして,現役レスラーとして. キッド「SHAD, 呼び出してすまん. 本来なら君に姿を見せるのも恥ずかしいのだが・・・」 Dynamite Kid would only Wrestle for two more years with his final match taking place in Michinoku Pro Wrestling on October 10th, 1996. SHAD「何を言うんですか , キッドさんの勇姿を待ち望んで いるファンは世界中にたくさんいるんですよ. いつまでも闘い続けてください.」 Dynamite Kid had his first retirement in 1991 while competing for All Japan Pro-Wrestling. There was even a retirement ceremony. But, like most retirements in Wrestling, Dynamite's first retirement never stuck.
キッド「『ダイナミック・キッド,ジ・エンド]... 引退式がとんだ茶番だったのかと思うと, 毎晩眠れなくなるんだ. ファンを裏切ったような気がしてね... SHAD「キッドさん!しっかりするんです. 今あなたはチャンピオンなんだ. しかも,アメリカでトップのタッグチャンプなんだ! 『チャンピオンはいかなるときも、 チャンピオンでなければならない』, そう言ったのはキッドさん , あなたですよ.」 キッド「・・・そう、そうだったな. 一財退したこの俺を また暖かく迎えてくれるお客さんもたくさんいる. まだまだ闘う使命がこの俺に残されているレスラー冥利に尽きるな.」 SHAD「そうです・・・・そしていつか , 俺はキッドさんと闘う. タッグ王座をかけて、できることなら闘いたくない. だが、闘いそして勝つ! それが,俺を支えてくれた人達への恩返しになるのであれば・ As usual, I've stuck to using first names for dialogue instead of last names. As is the case here with キッド (kid). キッド「楽しみだな・・・おまえの成長を受け止めよう. 真正面から、逃げることなく.」 '」 This is headed in a steamy direction! SHAD「お願いします, キッドさん. ・・さあ今夜は飲みましょう.パートナーに内緒で.」 キッド「SHAD,酒は・・・」 SHAD「今日は特別ですよ。 たまに飲めば薬っていうでしよ.」 Fans of 90's Wrestling should recognize this duo. The Steiner Brothers: Small Steiner (Scott Steiner) and Big Steiner (Rick Steiner). スモール「俺たち兄弟は世界で一番強いタッグ屋だ! 誰よりも強い絆で結ばれたタッグ屋だ! The first word in the last sentence is "ヘイツ" (heitsu) which can be looked at as "hates" or "hate you" if you consider the word in English (since the Katakana alphabet is being used to write it). Outside of English words, hietsu is defined as "move over, to exceed). So, I just simplified it. 一心同体,鉄壁のチームワーク! 最も優れたタッグ屋だ! ヘイツ,兄貴!」 ビッグ「ヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッ!その通り. SHAD? 聞いたことねーな. スパイク! ・・・おまえの親友はジャパニーズか! Just a switch in rival names with the last sentence. ビッグ「ヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッ!その通り. SHAD? 聞いたことねーな. アンダーグラウンド ・・・おまえの親友はジャパニーズか! ビッグ「ヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッ!その通り. SHAD? 聞いたことねーな. ロード ・・・おまえの親友はジャパニーズか! ヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッ! やわな連中は叩きつぶしてやる! ヘイツ,スモール!」 スモール「俺たちのスープレックスで おまえたちを脳天から落として, 二度とリングに立てないようにしてやる! いいか,二度とだ!」 If you're wondering why Rick Steiner (the shorter of the two) is called Big Steiner, it's most likely because of Rick's aggressive attitude in the ring as "The Dog-Faced Gremlin" and the fact that Rick is older than Scott (which is why Rick is also referred to as the "big brother"). In the previous Fire Pro game (Super Fire Pro Wrestling III Final Bout/Easy Type), the Steiners were known as Big and Small Stamina. ビッグ「その通りこいつのフランケンシュタイナーでおまえたちがリングに串刺しになるビジョンがはっきり見える. 今のうちに病院に電話しておきな、おつむが痛いってな! ヘッヘッヘッヘッ!」 スモール「兄貴,こいつらビビッてるぜ! 怪我しないうちに帰ったほうがいいぞ。」 They seem like trustworthy guys. ビッグ「スモール,あんまりいじめちゃかわいそうだ. 俺たちは優しい優しい兄弟なんだからな! ヘッヘッヘッヘッ!」 スモール「OK!兄貴, 軽く汗流しにいこうぜ! サウナの代わりにはなるさ。」 Someone had one too many swigs of Dynamic Kid's sake. ビッグ "ヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッ ヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッ ヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッヘッ" Our rival Spike is finally wearing his Surfer Sting facepaint. スパイク「デンジャラスな兄弟だ. あいつらの大技を立て続けに喰らったら危ない、注意しろ.」 SHAD「元祖フランケンシュタイナーか・・・ スパイク, 抜かるな!」 スパイク "OK!" アンダーグラウンド「SHAD・・・勝つぞ! 俺たちは・・・負けない.絶対に!」 SHAD「勿論だ!ベルトをとるまで, 負けるわけにはいかないからな.」 アンダーグラウンド「チャンプになるまで・・・負けない! GO!SHAD!」 ロード「おいSHAD, あいつら俺たち以上にクレイジーだぜ. うひゃひゃひゃ,こいつは面白れー!楽しめそうだ。」 SHAD「脚するなよ , ロード. あいつらの連係は半端じゃないからな.」
ロード「SHADちゃん, 俺たちも何か合体技を考えとけばよかったな.」 SHAD「無駄口はここまでだ.いくぞ, ロード!」 ロード "OK!" Another chapter, another losing message. 一徹「パートナーを信用しろ! チームワークこそがタッグの真髄だ!」 You can't have recognizable gaijin tag teams without including The Road Warriors. Knight Blaster is the Fire Pro rename of Road Warrior Hawk. "Knight" was most-likely chosen after the duo's spiked armour shoulder pads and the use of Black Sabbath's Iron Man as the duo's theme song. Some translations were giving me a more sexual answer for sentence #2. ナイト「ハ--- ーッ! ヘイ!小僧ども,何しに来やがった! ここはおまえらガキの来るところじゃね---!! 早くここをどかないと痛------い目に合うゼッ!! ハーッ!ブラザー!」
Iron Blaster is the rename of Road Warrior Animal. Knight, Iron...more metallic, armoured references.
The tag team name of Urban Blasters was probably inspired by Hawk and Animal growing up in Chicago.
アイアン「俺たちアーバンブラスターズの邪魔をするヤツらは 容赦なく木っ端微塵に引き裂いてやる! ほー、貴様らが相手になってくれるのか、それは結構な事だ. ならばお望み通り, コナゴナにしてやる!」 ナイト「お・・ろ・・か・・も・・の・・が! ハ---------ッ! メにもの見せてくれるわっ!」 アイアン「覚悟するがいい!」 アンダーグラウンド「ナイト・・・アイアン・・・強い. でも、勝つぞ・・SHAD.」 SHAD「ああ、手強い相手に違いない.」 アンダーグラウンド「力が,力が湧いてくる. 時代をつくるんだ, SHAD.」 SHAD「時・・・・か. そうだな, アンダー .俺たちの時代なのかもしれない. 時代の化石にようはない!いこう, アンダー!」 スパイク「連中は人間じゃない、野性の獣だ.ケタはずれの強さで対戦相手を秒殺する.」 "Second Kill" is a term that was made popular in the Pancrase promotion. The term is used to describe the quickness of matches with certain talent that ended in seconds. Thus, a second kill. SHAD「びょっ秒殺だと!」 スパイク「そうだ。 世界最強のタッグチームといわれている.」 Excellent observation, Watson. SHAD「だが、最強でもなんでも倒すしかないだろ.」 スパイク「もっともだな・・・覚悟は」 This one comes up as "it's done" "ready" etc. SHAD「できている!」 スパイク「度胸がいいな、俺たちも、いくか!」 SHAD「いくぞ!」 This one was a rough translation. ロード「まいったな、運が悪いな俺たちも、相手が悪いぜ.」 SHAD「そんなこと言ってる場合か , ロード. 倒しがいがあるってもんだろ.」 ロード「SHAD , おまえなかなか頭が切れるな.」 The literal translations I got were "don't fight and make a weak noise". SHAD「無駄口が多いぞ. まずは闘ってからだ弱音を吐くな!」 ロード「はいはい,SHADちゃん.」 I always felt that British Bulldog on the right looks like a late 2000's Shawn Michaels. キッド「ついに来たか・・・・SHAD, 素晴しい闘いを観させてもらった. 久しぶりにワクワクするよ. こんな感触は何年振りだろうか、闘いの血が騒ぐ.」 Since Bulldog's Fire Pro rename is so long (Mightyboy), I just stuck with his last name - as originally intended in Japanese. Again, I think the Fire Pro renames won't matter once an English patch switches them all out for each Wrestler's real name.
スミス「キッドさん, 昔のあの鋭いカミソリのようなオーラが戻っている. それでこそ『ダイナミック・キッド』.」 Brilliant Bulls is the Fire Pro rename of legendary tag team The British Bulldogs. Aside from the WWF, The British Bulldogs were also quite popular in Japan. Having numerous runs in All Japan Pro-Wrestling. キッド「ふっありがとうよっ,スミス. ・・・ロードそしてSHAD, ブリリアントブルズの底力見せてあげ
And, of course, here's another variation in text if you picked Undertaker as your rival. キッド「ふっありがとうよっ,スミス. ・・・アンダーグラウンドそしてSHAD, ブリリアントブルズの底力見せてあげ The variation of text if Sting was selected as the player's rival. キッド「ふっありがとうよっ,スミス. ・・・スパイクそしてSHAD, ブリリアントブルズの底力見せてあげ Well, I never knew Dynamite Kid was so affectionate towards The Statue of Liberty. ニューヨークはまだ俺たちに微笑みを投げかけている. ・・私には見える女神の笑みが , 聞こえる女神のささやきが・・・・」 スパイク「いよいよだな,SHAD. つらい闘いになるな、運命とは残酷なものだ。」 SHAD「心配するな,スパイク. いつかは通らねばならない道,逃げ道は日本に置いてきた.」 Krauzer-san or Mr. Krauzer is a reference to one of our hero's trainers Karl Gotch from earlier in this story. スパイク「お互いタフになったな. クラウザーさんも喜ぶだろうよ.」 SHAD「ハッハッハッ、そうだな. スパイク・・・・プロレスとは一体何なのだろう?」 スパイク「・・・それがわかれば誰も苦労しない. 俺も・・・おまえも.」 SHAD「馬鹿なこと聞いちまったな, ・・あれっ , リングが大きく感じる.」 スパイク「気のせいだよ, SHAD.最後だ,何かがわかるかもしれない.」 SHAD [あ,あぁ.] Any input on this one? アンダーグラウンド「SHAD,つらいのか? 残酷な事だ・・・」 SHAD「アンダー,心配はいらん .俺はプロレスラーだ」 アンダーグラウンド「たくましくなった,SHAD.」 Going back to the question both Kotetsu Yamamoto and Antonio Inoki asked earlier in Champion Road, I'm guessing this line is shared between the three rivals. SHAD「アンダー・・・・ プロレスとは一体何なのだろう?」 アンダーグラウンド「・ . ・鏡 分骨. 身亜 骨壷? ・わからない.」 SHAD「なんでもない、忘れてくれ. ・・なぜだろう? リングが大きく感じる.」 アンダーグラウンド "[INSERT]........" SHAD「さあ、いこう!アンダー!」 ロード「キッドとスミス. 伝説のブリリアントブルズのおでましか. SHADちゃん, 感傷的になるなよ. 闘いは闘いだ、割り切れ.」 SHAD「わかっているさ。自分で選んだ道だ,こうなることは覚悟していた・多分な.」 ロード「まったく嫌な商売だぜ. 開き直るしかないな勝つために」 And now our hero has repeated the question to all three rivals. SHAD「ロード・・・・ プロレスとは一体何なのだろう?」 ロード「・・・・・・そうだなあ、 ドリームトラベラーっていうのはどうだ? 街から街へ夢を求めて世界を彷徨い歩く. だが,その夢の正体は誰にもわからない.」 SHAD「ドリームトラベラーか , 日本マットを追放された俺には救いの言葉だな.」 ロード「・・しんみりするのは試合が終わってからにすりゃあ いい.最後だ.頑張ろうや.」 SHAD「感謝するぜ , ロード. ・・あれっ , リングが大きく感じる.」 ロード「二日酔いだろう,しょうがねーな.」 SHAD「そうかもしれない.すまん、いこう!」 キッド「おめでとう・・・・そして,ありがとう. 俺もつくづく幸せな男だ. 君のような純粋なファイターとめぐり逢えて、 ミスターワカモトも幸せ者だ,いいレスラーを育てた.」 SHAD「キッドさん, 俺は闘いたくなかった. あなたと闘うことで何か見つかるかもしれない、そう思って, そう考えて闘った。 けど・・・」
Again, the goddess in question is the Statue of Liberty.
キッド「何も見つからなかった, そうだろ? 当然だよ,俺は過去の男. 女神はとうの昔に去っていった. だが、おまえにはまだまだ未来がある. 考える時間はたっぷりあるさ。 まもなく世界選手権が開かれるしな. 今は大きな目標に向かって前進することだ. You could probably use "run" instead of dream here, too. タッグチャンプは一時お休みだ。 ・しかし、いい夢を見させてもらった. One half of the saying apparently can also be translated as "about to give up". I think this text may be referencing the two nearly-fatal overdoses Dynamite Kid experienced while taking LSD. 最後の最後で女神は俺に同情してくれたのかも, 『往生際の悪い男』ってな・・ これが本当に最後だ, 『ダイナミック・キッド, THE END!』 ・・・・」 Poor fella. He really respected Dynamite Kid's career. [INSERT]...........キッドさん ...........キッドさん ...........キッドさん ウオ - - - - - -- - ! ア - - - - - - - - -!
Post by Shadow Master on Apr 4, 2021 7:31:27 GMT
110 screens were just added to my previous response - rounding out Chapter 10. In total, over 1000 screens have been posted in this thread so far. Two chapters remain along with the Edit mode, post-match screens and a few small blurps from the commentary team during matches. Now, on to my attempt at Chapter 11. 世界選手権・前編 The literal translation for the last sentence was "dream of big event". I simplified it. キッドの言葉通り, 第一回世界選手権の開催が決定した. 世界の強豪がつどう、夢のビッグイベントである. Why Wembley Stadium? I'm guessing it may have to do with the WWF's Summerslam event that was held at Wembley Stadium in 1992. その知らせが広まるやいなや, レスラーたちの近辺は急に慌ただしくなりはじめた. ボルテージは上がり, 世界中の目がプロレスに向けられている・・・・ 予選トーナメントはまもなく始まった. Here's another recognizable face. Big Van Vader. 第5ブロックの優勝候補 , ザ・セイバー. こともあろうにSHADは, オープニングマッチでこの肉獣とぶつかってしまった. Well, I think that's debatable. When you look at a lot of successful Gaijins like Terry Funk, Ric Flair, Bruiser Brody, or Lou Thesz to name a few - who had successful runs in both the U.S. and Japan. Though, Vader was definitely a big attraction in the 1990's. And one of the few gaijins to break into Japan's shoot fighting promotions. 相手を破壊することを前提としたファイトスタイル. 日本マットで実績をつくり, 米マット逆上陸に成功した唯一のレスラー. Keep in mind, this text was written two years before Vader would fight Shawn Michaels....oof! しかし,政治的制約の多いアメリカマット界での闘いは余計な ストレスをためるだけで, そのウップンはセイバーの中でピークに達していた. SHADは,『空腹のライオン』と同じオリに入るのであった. ザ・セイバーはいつになく気合いが入っている. 高まる興奮に唸り声を上げ・・・ I feel this translation is a bit rough. The context seems to imply that our hero is thankful that Undertaker is in his corner for the upcoming match. 俺のためにセコンドについてくれて.... アンダーグラウンド「気にするな・・・・時間はある. 第3ブロックはとてもイージー・・問題はない.」 SHAD'.. ・さすがは,墓掘り人だな. 一足お先に決勝で待っている. アンダー,必ず決勝に出よう!」 アンダーグラウンド「・・セイバーは強い、気は抜けない.」 SHAD「セイバー? アンダー何いってるんだ? セイバー如きに負ける要素はない.」 This is a simplified version of Undertaker telling our hero his "thoughts are easy". アンダーグラウンド「SHADの考えもイージー・・・・ タカをくくるのは危険だ.」 SHAD「おいおい, セコンドのおまえが弱気でどうする. 俺に落度が見当たるか? ハッハッハッ,あるはずがない. みなぎる力が心地いいんだよ, 身体に浸透していく........ アンダーグラウンド「SHAD・・ おかしい・・・何か.」 SHAD「すまない、スパイク. またセコンドについてもらって.」 スパイク「気にしすぎだ。 俺は第10ブロック,大会までまだ1ヶ月近くある. 暇を持て余して仕方がないからな.」 スパイク「気が早い奴だ,足元すくわれるぞ. セイバーは決してあなどれない相手だ. 先天的な強さを持っている上に、あの肉体 . ただのデブじゃない ,鍛えあげられたデブだ. おまえの打撃が通用するかどうか・・・
Spike is acknowledging Sting's WCW days against Big Van Vader.
俺は同じテリトリーだったから何度も対戦しているが, 普通に闘って勝てる相手じゃない.」 SHAD「いやっ!今の俺にはただの邪魔な石コロだ.」 スパイク「!!何を焦っているんだ,SHAD. 冷静になるんだ.」 SHAD「大丈夫、いたって冷静だ。・・何かっ,何か気分が高揚 いるんだ. 力がみなぎっている・・・ スパイク "[INSERT]... おまえ............." SHAD「悪いな, ロード.おまえだってトーナメントが控え ているのに,俺のセコンドにつくために.. だが、おまえがやさしさを見せるなんてどうも気持ち悪い. キャラクターが崩れるぞ.」 ロード「馬鹿を言うな 本当は慈悲に満ちた心やさしい男なんだ. 両親に温かく見守られながら育ったっ・・・・・って、突っ込 め!」 SHAD「フッフッ, 面自いよおまえは、決勝で待っている、必ず上がってきてくれ.」 ロード「だがまずは目の前の敵だ.強者だぞ , セイバーは. あの突進力はこれまでのどのレスラーとも比較できない程の凄 まじさだ.おごるなよ.」 SHAD「・・・・・敵じゃないよ.肉の塊に何ができる!」 ロード「SHAD!俺の話を聞け!奴は」 SHAD「もういいって・・・・悪く思わないでくれロード , 俺には確かな勝算があるんだ. 確かな これまでにない力が沸き上がってくる. うまく言葉ではいえないけど、今の俺には・・・ だから・・・・・負けるわけがない!」 ロード「SHAD・・・・・・いったい・・・ 一徹 "気をゆるむのではない! おまえ自身の解答を見つけるまでは...." The next screens are shown after the player defeats The Saber (Big Van Vader) and depend on which rival the player selected from the beginning of Champion Road. アンダーグラウンド "危険, 危険だSHAD...." SHAD「アンダー,見ていてくれたか? いける,いけるぞ! あああ,なぜこんなにも力が湧いてくるのか 自分でもよくわからない.」 アンダーグラウンド ".........." SHAD「怒らないでくれ,アンダー.・・何かが俺の中で変わった,大きな使命を帯びているような・・今この瞬間を生きているような. 何か , スパークしている,とても. 見守っていてくれ、俺の生き様を.」 Trust me, he's not who you think he is. アンダーグラウンド「・・・・サーベルは隠れた実力者。 はまるな、ヤツのペースに・・ INSERT "..........." スパイク「SHAD!おまえ,どうしたんだ. 様子が変だぞ.」 SHAD「スパイク,見たか! この調子で勝ち進むぞ.しっかり見ていてくれ.」 スパイク「あ、ああ、見ているよ.しかし・・ 何か危険だぞ.スタミナ配分は考えているのか!」 It sounds like tension is starting to form between Spike and our hero. SHAD「心配するな、完全燃焼あるのみだ。」 スパイク「まあ、おまえがそこまで言うのなら大丈夫だろうが ・ 無茶はするなよ! ・次のサーベルはクセ者だから・・・・ SHAD [..............] ロード「どうしちまったんだよ、おい! しっかりしろ!何か変だぞ.」 SHAD「俺のどこが変なんだ. おかしいのはロード , おまえの方だ. 見たろ?今の試合. セイバーなんぞこんなもんだ.楽勝だ!」 ロード「楽勝だ? 頭おかしいのか?」 SHAD「ロード,とにかく黙って見ていてくれ. 今の俺の,ほとばしるエナジーを!」 ロード「・・・・・・マッチョはクセ者だぞ,それだけは忘れるな.」 INSERT "..........." Macho Sable is the Fire Pro rename of Macho Man Randy Savage. In the early 1990's, Macho Man competed in Japan as part of the WWF/AJPW/NJPW Wrestling Summit supershows. きらびやかないでたちでマッチョ・サーベルは現われた. サイケデリックレスラーは星の数ほどいれど, サーベルの突出したレスリングセンスには 誰一人太刀打ちできない。 『マッチョ・サーベルブランド』は世界の一流品, そのパフォーマンスももちろんトップブランド. 誰からも尊敬される数少ないレスラーである. 独特のパフォーマーぶりで, ゆっくりゆっくり観客とコミュニケートしながら 『マッチョワールド』を構築していく. 何かをしっかりと確認するように・・・・ After Macho is defeated, our hero once again has another conversation with the rival they selected. アンダーグラウンド「果てしなき闘い・・ 我々が選んだ道, 再び相まみえんことを.」 SHAD「俺たちが目指す約束の地. たどり着くまでの気の遠くなるようなロードをひた走る. ・決勝大会で待っている。 若元道場から始まった俺たちのロード・・・・ いよいよゴールが見えてきた。」 アンダーグラウンド「・・・・・・それが闘う者の宿命. 闘いに己の魂を投影しなければならない悲しき生き物。」 SHAD「引き返すことのできない海まで来てしまった. 出口の光があちこちに見えるよ. 正しい光はあるのか・・・ 見つけなければ,俺たちの手で.」 スパイク「いよいよ決勝だ. 俺がアドバイスすることはもうない. 『勝ってくれ!』 , それだけだ。」 SHAD「『勝つ!』,それだけだ!」 スパイク「何かが始まり,何かが終わる. その果てに見えるものは・ 約束の地なのか・ SHAD「見果てぬ夢は尽きない・・ 歴史は俺たちが創る!」 ロード「とうとうここまできちまったか. 俺が何を言っても始まらん,いってこい! そして解答を出すんだ。 決勝大会のために,そして俺たちの時代のために.」 It sounds like our hero is a fan of Axel Rudi Pel's song Cry of the Gypsy. Though, I think our hero is just talking about one of his trainers Carlos Krauzer (Karl Gotch - who's chapter is called "Gypsy"). SHAD「約束の地を求めさすらい歩くジプシー・ ジプシーの叫びを, 悲しみを背負う民の叙情を・・・・俺は聞いた. Ah-hah! Karl Gotch it is. この肉体で、 導かなければならない、レスリングの未来を. カルロス・クラウザーの精神を」
ロード「勝負に生きる者のサガなのか, これも. なるほど,商売人にはなれんわ俺たちジプシーは.」 SHAD「ロード,答えを見つけるよ、必ず. その先に何があるのか,何が見えるのか・・・」 場内は時ならぬオリエンタル・ムードに包まれた. 和太鼓が打ちならされる中,『妖忍者』武零闘 武者はアリー ナの天井から忍者さながらに見参! 観客はトリッキーな演出に歓喜の声をあげた. My neighbours definitely smoke a lot of cabbage... アメリカ人の多くが勘違いしているジャパネスクなるものを, 逆手に取ってもてあそぶ武者は 天才肌のエンターテイナーと呼ぶにふさわしい. 武者にとって観客はただのキャベツにしか見えないのか? その武者がエンターテイナーの仮面を剥ぎ取った時, 恐怖は訪れる. 鬼が舞い降りて来た・・・・ 武零闘 武者を打ち破ったSHADは決勝戦へ駒を進めた. さらなる過酷な闘いが待ち受ける世界選手権ファイナル. 物語はいよいよ終局へ・
Post by Shadow Master on Apr 10, 2021 9:11:00 GMT
Tons of screens were added to my previous post for your inspection. And now Chapter 12 of 13. 世界選手権・後編 10万人を超す観客で溢れかえる ロンドン・ウェンブリースタジアム. 数々の伝説がこのスタジアムから生まれ, いま新たな伝説がまた一つ生まれようとしている. 伝説の目撃者になろうとする人々が後を断たない. 会場は収容能力が機能せずパニック状態. フットボールから流れてきたフーリガンは暴動を起こし, 発煙筒が華麗に艶かしくピンクにきらめき, 光のダンスを踊っている. 『ウィルバーハンプトンの衝撃』は再び起こったのだ。 ウェンブリーに場所を変えて、 何かが始まる予感は観客すべてが感じていた. これから訪れる誰も予期しなかった結末. 興奮は時空をもネジ曲げんとしている. リング上に、れし16人が集結した. 各ブロックを勝ち抜いてきた精鋭16人のレスラーは, 緊張と高場の面持ちでリング上に集まった. Toshiie Kazama is the Fire Pro rename of Toshiaki Kawada. A character our hero faced in the OLIVE JAPAN branch of Champion Road. 第1ブロック代表・風魔 利家
G.O.=Bright is the Fire Pro rename of "The Suplex Machine" Gary Albright.
第2ブロック代表・G.O=ブライト The Underground is the Fire Pro rename of The Undertaker. 第3ブロック代表・ジ・アンダーグラウンド 第4ブロック代表・真田延久 Whatever name the player choose for their character ends up here. 第5ブロック代表・[INSERT] Tommy Bomber is the Fire Pro rename of Jumbo Tsuruta. 第6ブロック代表・トミー・ボンバー Dick Road is the Fire Pro rename of "Ravishing" Rick Rude. 第7ブロック代表・ディック・ ロード Thunder Ryu is the Fire Pro rename of Genichiro Tenryu; a Wrestler our hero faced during FMW and WAR portion of Champion Road. 第8ブロック代表・サンダー・龍 Wolf Van is the Fire Pro rename of Volk Han. A wrestler encountered in the GONGS branch of Champion Road. 第9ブロック代表・ウォルフ・ヴァン The Spike is the Fire Pro rename of Sting. 第10ブロック代表・ザ・ スパイク Makoto Higaki is the Fire Pro rename of Masakastsu Funaki - a Wrestler faced in the HIGH CLASS branch of Champion Road. 第11ブロック代表・桧垣 誠 Axe Duggan is the Fire Pro rename of Hulk Hogan. In the Special guide, Hogan's name is written as "Dogan". 第12ブロック代表 ・アックス・ドゥガン Akira Saeba is the Fire Pro rename of Akira Maeda. 第13ブロック代表 ・冴刃明 Masahiro Kono is the Fire Pro rename of Masahiro Chono - a Wrestler faced in the VIEW JAPAN & KAJIWARA Gumi branches of Champion Road. In the Special guidebook, Chono's last name is written as "Kohno". 第14ブロック代表 ・河野将洋 Star Bison is the Fire Pro rename of Stan Hansen. A Wrestler faced in the OLIVE JAPAN branch of Champion Road. 第15ブロック代表・スター・バイソン This Wrestler's name is coloured differently for a reason. In which we'll uncover shortly.... 第16ブロック代表・ディック・スレンダー いずれ劣らぬ世界のトップスターたちである. 沸き起こる大声援. 観客の歓声がなによりの演出効果を生み出していた. セレモニーは淡泊に終わり, 世界選手権ファイナルトーナメントはついにその幕を開けた. 孤独なドレッシングルームのドアの向こうからは アリーナの大歓声が聞こえてくる. しかしSHADはじっと目を閉じてうつむいていた. Just a refresher, Reiko Saeba is Akira Saeba's sister and our hero's love interest in this story. 麗子「SHAD, お久しぶり.素晴しい活躍ぶりね. 兄は喜んでいたわ とても. でも私は・・ しばらく会わないうちに, あなたは手の届かないところへいってしまった! あなたをずっと待っていたのに.......... でももう限界,私には忍耐力がないの! ........................バカ! どうしてもっと早く、迎えに来てくれなかったの. ・ 来月、結婚することに決めたの. お見合いで知り合って・・・好きでもない人と. あなたがいけないのよっ!あなたが! もっと早く・・・もっと早く・ これで本当にさようなら、私は私の幸せを探すわ. せいぜい強くなりなさいよっ. 愛する女に電話の一本もくれないようなオトコに・・・ 何ができるの! 決勝戦, 楽しみにしているわ。 ・さようなら.」 歓声が入り乱れ,入場ゲートが眩い光を放つ. 観客の興奮は最高潮に達していた. 『パワフル爆弾』トミー・ボンバー. アマレス仕込みのテクニックと無尽蔵のスタミナを持ち, 実力世界最強と唱われたエリートレスラー. 闘病から蘇った最強の男はこの世界選手権にすべてをかけ, 予選を勝ち抜いてきた。 エリートは死に場所を探していたのかもしれない. 彼もSHADと同じように迷路の出口を探していた. 目的は違えど同じ志を持った男たち. トミーもまた、歴史を創ろうとしていた. New chapter. New losing message from our deceased trainer. 一徹「SHAD!もう少しだ,頑張れ!」 大歓声は悲鳴へと変わっていった. アメリカの期待を一身に背負い, スーパースターがついにその雄姿を現そうとしている. I always thought Hulk Hogan's portrait here looks like The Crypt Keeper. Maybe it's just me. リアルアメリカンとはまさしく彼, 『無敵の超人』アックス・ドゥガンのことであった. 彼の一挙手一投足がアメリカの象徴であり, そのパフォーマンスはアメリカンドリームを代弁していた. パーフェクトなスーパースター像は彼以外 , 誰も演じることはできない. The Hulkster's a little full of himself, eh? ウェンブリースタジアムでは, 『アックス・ドゥガン オン ステージ』 が開演しようとしている. アメリカとイングランドの確執も , 彼の存在に比べればちっぽけなモノに過ぎなかった. This one gave me trouble translating. 冴刃「麗子, SHADどないやった? どうも、きがかりなんや、いろいろ噂聞いてたからなあ. ニューヨークでえらい神経まいってたんやなあ・・・ 麗子「えっ! .......お兄ちゃん、ほんまに? それっ!」 One obstacle I found with translating Goichi Suda's writing is Suda's tendency to use Katakana to simplify words that could have been written with the regular Japanese Hiragana alphabet. Such is the case with "Gakya" (ガキャァ). 冴刃「何やおまえ,どないしてん. また、えらいことゆうたんちゃうんか? しゃあないな、まったくこのガキャァ!」 麗子「ごめん、あやまるわ、ほんまに. けど、しゃあないやん, SHADがあかんねんから! SHADが迎えにけーへんねんから・・・・・こんな事になっ てしもうて・・ 冴刃「なんや, なんや,こんな事ちゅうのは?」 麗子「. 言われて、 ・おかんに見合いせいっ! ・やけんなってしもて ・婚約してしもうた.」 麗子「大丈夫や,ことわろ思っとうから.」 冴刃「当り前や! あれだけ言うたやろ, SHADを傷つけたらアカンと! レスラーちゅうのはなっ, ハートや,ハートが大切なんや. ハートでどうにでも左右されるんや. ほんまにいらんこと言うてからに.」 麗子「だから、ごめん言うてるやん.しつこい性格やな. そんなんからいつまでたってもお嫁さんけーへんねんで一. 「わしのどこがカタブツなんや? 言うてみい!口の減らんガキや.」 冴刃「わしのどこがカタブツなんや? 言うてみい!口の減らんガキや.」 麗子「相手にしてられんわ. でも・・・・ ・わるいことしてしもたわ,SHADに. ついむきになって 気にしてへんやろか? 気にしてるわなやっぱり. SHADも人が悪いわ, 言うてくれれば私かて意地悪せえへんのに! ・・やっぱり今,あやまってくるわ!」 冴羽「待たんか , 麗子.大会が終わってからにせいや. あいつもナーバスんなっとる,それまで待つんや.」 麗子「. ・そんな事言うて, 手遅れんなったら恨むでほんま.」 冴羽 "心配すなっ, そんな度量の小さい男やないでSHADちゅう男は. 許してくれるわ、絶対!" 麗子 "絶対?" 冴羽 "絶対や!" 麗子「ほなっ,信用するわ。 けど,うち複雑やわー. デクの坊の兄と愛しいSHADが闘うんなんて. どっち応援すればいいんやろ. 悩める乙女を助けて.... 好刃「しかし、最悪やな。 関西弁の女ちゅうのは,色気もへったくれもないなあ。」 麗子「わかっとうわい!だーかーらっ、納のあんただけや! トップモデルになんて事いうんや!アホッ!」 冴羽「これはこれは、えらいすんません. ・ぼなっお兄ちゃんいってくるで. ちゃんと見とるんやで.」 麗子「頑張りー,応援してるわ。」 刃「SHADよ,おまえと闘うのはこれが最後だろう。 下からの突き上げというのは嬉しくもあり・・・恐ろしくもある. いや、むしろ恐怖のほうが先に立つ. . 俺もまだまだ子供だな・・ この年で克服しなければならない弱点があるようだ. 幸せな事かもしれない。 俺が歩んできたイバラの道,次の世代の道標とならんため, この冴刃明は闘いに欲する. I really don't like where this is going... 『プロレスラーはそこまで裸にならなくていい』 こんな事を言った記憶がある. だが,今この一時は裸にならなければならんようだ.... どうやら魂が求めているようだ,激しい闘いを. レッドゾーンを超える時が来たようだ。」 SHAD「冴羽さん・ あなた方兄弟の存在は色々な意味で大きい,大きすぎる. 俺にはあまり時間がないような気もする・・ あなたとの闘いもこれが最後のチャンスでしょう。 もし、そうでなくとも・・・・・ここでブレイクする! しなければならない! 一徹さん、俺に力を下さい。 もっともっと沸き上がるエナジーを・・ 新しい時代の礎になれれば・ 受けてください,俺の力を! あなたを超えるにふさわしい男かどうか ,あなたに認めてもらえる男かどうかを.」 冴羽「強くなったな,SHAD. 必ずおまえの時代がやってくる.逃すなよ.」 SHAD". ・冴羽さん ・俺たちの時代なんて幻想でしょ? あったとしてもそれは一瞬のレッドゾーンにすぎない. けれども,その一瞬こそが選ばれし男の探し求める永遠の宝石であると. ・真実は必ずあると.」 冴羽「その通りかもしれない. ・見つけるんだ, SHAD. 『黙れし者の状惚と不安,我にあり』 今思えばおまえのための言葉だった. ゆけ!SHAD!頂点をつかんでこい!」 The next screen contains the same text for each of the three rivals. スレンダー「ハッハッハッハッ! どうした小僧,足元がおぼつかないようだな. このディック・スレンダー様に勝負を挑もうなんて オイタがすぎたな. The same thing for the next screen. Same text, different rival depending on who the player chose. プロレスの裏も表も知っている人間をあなどっちゃいけない. 俺様は勝とうと思えばいつでも勝てるんだよ . だがな、よーく聞いておけ, 人間っていうのは立居振舞が大事なんだよ. 目立ちすぎてはうまくいくこともうまくいかない. 猿じゃないんだからな、賢く生きなきゃ、賢く! Wow.... ・そろそろ終わらせるとするか あの年寄りジャップと同じように!」 SHAD「ジャップ? ・ひょっとして ・危ない!逃げるんだ! やめろ - - - - - - - - - - - -!" If you look closely, you'll notice that each rivall has different amounts of blood in the ring for their death scenes.
アンダーグラウンド「無念だ・・ . .SHAD ・許してくれ I had trouble with this screen. Suda51 was up to his old tricks again mixing Japanese alphabets. This time, he even threw in a few manga sounds. In this case,gurgle and groans after taking heavy hits. Oh, and he also spaces....out....his...writing. With more gurgle sounds, too! ・グフッ! 勝って・・く・・れ・・か・・・な・・・ら・・・・・ず! In Fire Pro, even death may die. たった一人・・・の・・・友達だった・・・・・・SHAD ・さようなら!SHAD! Sounds like more groaning and gurgling noises. ・ゴォブゥォアァ!・・ SHAD [アンダ------------アアアアアアア] And now Spike's dying scene. スパイク「駄目だったよ,SHAD・・・・・・・すまない 一足・・グフッ! . ・・先にいって! ・い・る・・・・グフッ! The same text also used for the Underground's dying scene. Just with an extra dot or so. ・グフッ! 勝って・・く・・れ・・か・・・な・・・ら・・・・・ず! 楽しかっ・・・・たよ・・おま・・・ え ・・と ・出・・会・・え ・て・・・さらばだ! More text that is similar to Underground's dying scene. Just with a few less dots this time. ・ゴォブゥォアァ!・・ SHAD「スパイク- - - - - - ---ゥゥゥゥゥゥツゥ」 Usually, I stuck with first names (as I felt that was more common in Western RPG's, but to avoid confusion with Dick Slender, I just used Dick Road's last name as the text originally intended here. ロード「負けちまったよ,SHAD・・ ・・わりいな ・後の・・グフッ ! More spaced out words that can be confusing. GoOoo is just groaning. The other word looks like たのんだ (tanonda) - to request; to beg; to ask ・事グォホォ! ・のんだ! た ・グフッ! 勝って・・く・・れ・・か・・・な・・・ら・・・・・ず! あり・・が・・と・よ・・・・・俺なんかと・・・一緒にい・ ってくれて じゃあな! More repeated text shared between the rivals. This time, all the dots are grey in colour. ・ゴォブゥォアァ!・・ SHAD [ロード-------------ォォォォォォォ]
Post by Shadow Master on Apr 12, 2021 23:20:38 GMT
ディック・スレンダー The last line is coming up as "obscure the title" or "make the title hazy". スレンダー「・・・・雑魚ばかりだな、退屈でしょうがない. もう少し骨のある奴はいないものか. これではリアル・チャンプの称号が霞んでしまうわ! ワッハッハッハッハッハッハッハッ! ワッハッハッハッハッハッハッハッ! ワッハッハッハッハッハッハッハッ!" ・何故殺した! - 殺す必要があったのか! ・答えろ!」 The second line gave me "wet clothes/wrongful accusations". ハッハッハッ、とんだ濡れ衣もいいところだ。 受け身のとれない未熟者がリングに上がってくること自体間違 っているではないか!。 Not only is Dick Slender gloating about killing our hero's rival, he's also gloating about killing our hero's original trainer Ittetsu Wakamoto, too! Ouch. 笑わせるなよ,小僧! この屍といい,あの年寄りジャップといい, プロレスラーとしての資格が無いわ!」 Uh-oh. Our hero has just discovered two personal murders on Dick Slender's hands. SHAD「まさか!一徹さんを殺したのも・ 貴様かっ!」 スレンダー「馬鹿者!あれは敵だ 言っただろう、受け身のとれない大馬鹿者だと........ しかしまあこんなクズ共, 遅かれ早かれ死ぬ運命にあったのだ。 Flair's signature catchphrase is WOOO! Dick Slender's might as well be WAHAHA! わしはむしろ誉めたたえてもらわなければならんはずだろう, 邪魔な人間を消し去ったのだからな! ワッハッハッハッハッハッハッハッ!」 SHAD"..........許さん ..................許さん ..................許さん ..................許さん ..................許さん" Sounds like Dick Slender interrupted a match between the rival and our hero. てめえだけは・・絶対に許さん! 俺たちの闘いを邪魔した上に、 大切な人たちを This is a shortened version of the text I translated as "You can kill me, but you can't kill me enough!" 殺しても殺し足りねぇ! てめぇとの闘いに意義があるとは思えん. だが,これが俺のロードならばそれもまた受け入れよう. 但し、てめえをブッつぶしてな! 俺たちの夢の邪魔をし, レスリングの未来を壊す代償がとてつもなく大きいってことを 思い知るがいい. 貴様のような『悪しき幻想』の化身, そんな存在はここで終りにしてもらう. レスリングの変革を望む, 多くの人々の声に応えるためにも・ ・貴様を倒す! ・ディック・スレンダー! よく聞け! 貴様の運命は俺があずかった!」 スレンダー「立派な演説だったな.褒めてあげよう。 ワッハッハッハッハッハッハッハッ! ・片腹痛いわっ!小僧! この俺様に生意気な口を叩いて、ただで済むと思うな! お仲間が死の淵で待っているだろう, 早いところ地獄に送り込んでやる. 貴様もあいつらの二の舞にしてやるわ! 旅支度は済んだか? Maybe it's madness setting in after translating 1166 screens, but I found myself laughing along to this text. ワッハッハッハッハッハッハッハッ! ワッハッハッハッハッハッハッハッ! ワッハッハッハッハッハッハッハッ! Losing by means of disqualification gives our hero this losing message. I discovered you can also get this message by tapping to Slender's sleeper hold (and sometimes) Slender's Figure Four on the ground. I think the "death sequence" works like a critical. The amount of hits that takes to activate it varies from match to match in my experience. 一徹「どうした!SHAD! しっかりするんだ!」 Yet, what's even more interesting is, the player can actually lose the match without being pinned or submitted. After taking enough damage, the screen will turn white and the match will end abruptly. Funny enough, our hero can even kill himself in a match. Missing a dropkick, falling out of the ring, missing a move from the top ropes ...or even running into the guard rail will all result in the above death sequence, too. Before I show the actual ending, let's go ahead and intentionally lose the match to see what happens when the player doesn't defeat Dick Slender: For years, I thought this was an actual death scene. No, it's just our hero not willing to accept defeat. SHAD「みんなの魂が俺に乗り移ったようだ これから始まるんだ、長い長い闘いが、 ・・ロードが ]: ・道を求めて ・大変だよ、目に見えない何かを探すのは Remember, our hero has been fighting outside of Japan since he last loss to Akira Saeba. ]: ・日本の人達は元気なのか? ]: ・冴羽さん、見ているんですか? ・一徹さん、何か叫んでいる。 The next screen requires losing normally to Dick Slender (i.e. the flashing white screen), and has a slight variation in text depending on the rival the player selected. I included all text variations below: ・・・スパイク・・待っていてくれ、もうすぐ会えるさ! ・・・アンダー・・待っていてくれ、もうすぐ会えるさ! ・・.・ロード・・待っていてくれ、もうすぐ会えるさ! Our hero is mentioning the two legends he trained/fought against. Dynamic Kid (Dynamite Kid) and Carlos Krauzer (Karl Gotch). ]: ・キッドさん!まだ終わってないですよ. ・クラウザーさん! 俺は愚か者でしょうか? ]: ・麗子さん ・俺の生きた証 ・天使 ・ 君と出会って人を愛することを知った. ]: ・喜びも悲しみも ・また逢えるのだろうか? In Greek mythology, Thanatos is the personification of death. The losing text ends with another match against Dick Slender. In this case, the battle hasn't ended yet and the player is given another chance to beat the game. This time, there's no time limit and the "death sequence" has been disabled. The player can still lose the re-match. Ittetsu's losing message remains unchanged for this round against Slender. 一徹「どうした!SHAD! しっかりするんだ!」 Now, let's see what happens when we defeat Dick Slender:アナウンス「世界選手権優勝ならびにプロレスリング世界統一チャンピオンは ・SHAD!」 コーナーポストに立ち尽くすSHAD. 歓喜の声がいつしかどよめきに移りかわった. SHADの肉体がほのかに白く光って見える. ・・・ウェンブリースタジアムは沈黙した。 麗子 "[INSERT]---------------------------!" 冴刃明 'SHAD? おいっ, SHAD! どうしたんや, おいっ!SHAD! しっかりせい!SHAD! おいっ!どうするんやこれから. これからどうすれっていうんや! ・そんなアホな 返事せいっ!こらっ!SHAD- -!, 麗子「何も ・何も終わってないじゃない ・何一つ・・・・・終わってないのに ・答えだって・・・・・見つけたの? ................カッコつけた事ばかり言って ...............どうなのよ! ・何も話していないのに ・触れてもいないのに ・あなたに何もしてあげられなかった ・SHAD!こんなに愛しているのに! ・・もっと早く・・・・もっと SHAD - - - - - - - - - - - - - !" SHAD「ごめんよみんな. 結局, 答えなんて見つからなかった. でも、いいだろ? 俺の姿を見た子供たちがきっと意志を継いでくれる. わかってくれる人たちが大勢いてくれれば................ 無駄じゃなかったでしょ? 冴刃さん. Excuse me...I think I have something in my eye. Sniff sniff. ・麗子さん・・・泣かないでくれ ・君には似合わないよ・・涙は ・生まれ変わった時も・プロレスラーでいられるように ・みんなが手と手をとりあって ・レスリングを変えてくれることを ........こんな俺でよかったら ........見守らせてもらいます The literal translation gave me "It seems that the pick-up will come soon" ・そろそろ迎えが来たようだ プロレスラーになれて幸せだった ........................................ .........................さようなら ............................... ..................答えが 3日後... Our hero heads home. After a moment of silence, a single gunshot is heard. The player is then treated to the credits in English. Morio Smith is the default name of our hero. The Wrestlers encountered in Champion Road are also credited - all using their Fire Pro renames. Then the staff's credits are presented. After the credits, one final screen is shown. I thought the red spot under the chair was blood for years. Though, it could also simply be the shadow of the chair against the brown rug (notice how the legs of the chair are the same colour of the "blood" in the chair's shadow?) Anyways, while not perfect, this is my beginner's attempt at translating the original Champion Road story for everyone. Two months and 1211 screens later - this passion project is far from over. Luckily, our Admin Maikeru is working on a more fluent version of the Champion Road story in text form for everyone's enjoyment. As soon as he's finished everything, I'll post his work on page 1 for easy access. I'd also like to thank ippanjin51 for helping out briefly with correcting my rough translations and assisting in navigating the additional paths in Champion Road. Your input and fluency was also a valuable addition. While Maikeru provides a more professional translation, I'll start working on the final mode of Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special - the edit mode. Unfortunately, I ended up obliterating my save file of the last 10 with over 800 wins via Special's "Fight Records" save feature. According to my Special FAQ notes, to unlock all of the hidden moves and edit points in Edit mode, the player needs to reach the rank of S5 (150-160 wins). The highest rank I ever reached was S61 (791-803 wins). So, before I tackle translating Edit mode with you all, I'll be taking a short break from posting updates to get that S5 rank.
Post by ippanjin51 on Apr 14, 2021 11:27:38 GMT
Congratulation shadowmaster for this amazing contribution !
I hope this will make people want to play and enjoy the very first story Suda Goichi wrote.
Good luck on the translation of the edit mode, take the little break you deserve and come back stronger !
Post by Shadow Master on Apr 16, 2021 0:08:18 GMT
While going through the Japanese cheat site wazap, I came across a few cool things you can do in Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special: Display the referee's name:Before a match begins, hold the L and R buttons. After the Wrestler's names appear, the referee's name will then be presented! For translation reference, I listed all of the referee names (and their Japanese writing) on the first page of this thread. Announcer reactions:
Doing specific actions during a match will cause a visible reaction with the announcers. Running into the guard rail directly in front of the announcer table will make the announcers mad. The announcer on the left is saying "ま-" (ma). In this context, I think the English equivalent would be What?! The announcer on the right isn't too pleased as his text looks like TV static. Colliding with the referee also displays similar text. Hit a Wrestler's finisher or hidden techniques (usually, any command involving Y + B) and the announcers will display a shocked reaction followed by cheering. I believe the Hiragana displayed in the left announcer's bubble is "あゝ" which I'm told means "wow". Additionally, if either player hits a secret move (any combination involving Y + B), both announcers will look puzzled. For example, pressing Y + B while standing with Tiger Mask allows the player to perform Tiger's signature Jumping Spin Kick/Solebut. Miss a move such as a dropkick and the announcer on the right's jaw will drop. The face in the bubble looks like it says "dead". Commentators are brutal. Land a move such as a dropkick successfully and the announce team will start singing. Going up to the top ropes or performing certain techniques will make the announcer on the left display this text: "おー" (O -) which, as you may have guessed simply means "Oh!". The second screen contains "っと" which I read is a sentence ending particle used for speaking with one's self.
Climb down from the turnbuckle (instead of going for a move) and the announcer on the right's jaw will drop again. Easily the funniest reaction can be seen during a slow, boring match. After a while of inactivity, the commentator on the right will fall asleep. Notice the bubble in the right announcer's nose? After a few Z's, the announcer on the left will notice his partner is fast asleep; thus calling "マサ..." (Masa which means "Mr."). Since Masa Saitoh was also known as a commentator in NJPW, I think the announcer on the right is based on Masa Saitoh. In the fourth screen, "Masa" is woken up from his mid-match slumber and the sleep bubble pops. The 5th screen shows embarrassment and the final screen confuses me. It looks like the text has been rotated to the right forming ".......ーっ". If the text is indeed ーっ, then it would mean the speaker's speech has been cut off in bewilderment. Kind of like "Wha.....?!", from my understanding. The shocked text is also repeated with a 2.9 count (near pinfall). Followed by more chanting. If the player has unlocked Gruesome Fighting mode, one of the easiest ways to win a match is to use Mad Tiger's Cobra Clow (Down + A during a front grapple). Most times, the CPU will not be able to break free from the hold (and the Referee will not stop the hold either) allowing the match to end in 13 - 25 seconds on average! In Tournament mode, starting a tournament without adjusting any settings will present the closest equivalent to Fire Pro's World Championship mode.
Clearing 7 consecutive tournaments under the default settings will present the 8th tournament. A tournament consisting entirely of hidden characters from the HIDE promotion. Clearing Tournament or League modes displays a special ending with dossiers of the HUMAN Entertainment staff. Here's the first two profiles. Pirate 1 and 2 are the Fire Pro renames of the Gaspar Brothers (Billy and Barry Gaspar). And the second batch. I was shocked to find out just how young many of these staff members were. Most of which were in their early 20's. HUMAN Entertainment even had a Game Design school until the late 90's, if not mistaken. You'll notice some staff members prefer using the Fire Pro renames of certain Wrestlers. Such as Hiroyuki who mentions Panther (Mask De Panther - Tiger Mask). Takeshi was flexing his colour skills by adding in blue highlights to his profile. By the looks of things, it seems the above staff members liked Takeshi's colour changing skills so much that they decided to try the trick for themselves. There's about 30 individual profiles in general. Luckily, they are all in English and don't require translating.
Post by Shadow Master on Apr 16, 2021 17:51:42 GMT
Post by Shadow Master on Apr 18, 2021 5:13:29 GMT
Small update on Edit mode: played once again through Champion Road to see if completing the game unlocks any Edit points/parameters. Besides the hidden characters in the HIDE and KAKU categories (along with the Gruesome Fighting ring), nothing from what I could gather.
But, just to be sure, I'll play through Champion Road two more times with the remaining rivals
1 - OLIVE JAPAN with The Underground as rival - completed 2 - VIEW JAPAN with The Spike as rival - now loading 3 - UWH with Dick Road as rival - now loading
On a random note, years ago after reaching 1,000 wins, I tried hacking Special's "Fight Records" portion (the part of the game that records a player's win/loss records). Out of curiosity, I wanted to see just how many wins a player could rack up before the game stopped counting.
If I remember correctly (while adjusting in-game values), I somewhat managed to hack 10,000 wins. Unfortunately, this hacking of addresses in Special's code made the game unplayable. Tournaments would crash and the game simply refused to work.
Has anyone ever reached the maximum number of wins in Fire Pro Special with their Fight Records file ....legitimately?
Post by sofia on Apr 19, 2021 5:43:39 GMT
Here's the UWH arc. I haven't bothered with proper color formatting yet, but... CHAPTER 2: THE DNA OF UWHUWH... An organization formed by a group of idealistic men, dreamers who saw new possibilities in pro wrestling. Drawn by their ideas, Sumisu joined their group.
And thus began an unfinished battle...
As Karlos Krauser once said, "Of all my students, Mito was the most promising" - the man he referred to then was Osamu Mito.
His understanding of the fundamentals of wrestling were the best in the world - a living textbook of wrestling's techniques.
MITO: "I'll do my best... Or, at least, I shall do my best at my own pace."
SUMISU: "He's so stoic... But, I'll seal away his grim emotions and prevail with my youth!"
(Mito is defeated)
MITO: "A loss is a loss, and here in UWH, all that matters is the results. Nothing more."
Kazuki Yamamoto... He's a beloved wrestler among fans of pro wrestling, who call him "Yama-chan."
Even if he loses to a younger fighter, his fans' admiration is ever unchanging. He lived his life with cool self-confidence - an outstanding virtue in this day and age.
YAMAMOTO: "Show me everything you have in this match-up. Nothing to worry about - it's business as usual."
SUMISU: "You'd better not underestimate me! I'll fight you as if everyone in the crowd is my enemy!!"
(Yamamoto is defeated)
YAMAMOTO: "I've got backbone, too. Next time, I'll win for sure!"
The lone tiger who cast aside the mask of a hero, and chose to walk the path of constant battle. By rejecting pro wrestling, he kept hold of his self identity.
Where shall this path lead Great Panther...?
PANTHER: "This is the last match of my life as a pro wrestler. I intend to live my life as I please. So, sorry - but I don't intend on following your lead!"
SUMISU: "I can't afford to lose to someone who threw away their life as a wrestler. So I'm gonna show you one last time how frightening pro wrestling can be!"
(Panther is defeated)
PANTHER: "I'm going to follow the path I believe in. This fight with you shall be but one page in my life as a martial artist. But hopefully, the two of us will fight again someday..." CHAPTER 3: THE VISION OF UThe scars left by Great Panther's departure cast a long, dark shadow upon the U-Warriors. Their individual ideals clashed, and once they began following divergent paths, there was no returning to the way things once were.
In the middle of this chaos, Sumisu had to made a decision. A single, cruel decision.
The tides of time carried history to uncharted territory. For Sumisu, the end was coming all too quickly.
HIGAKI: "What I'm wanting is the evolution of wrestling... A wrestling style where we don't have to destroy each other - which defies everyone's notion of what wrestling could or should be.
Krauser-san had a saying that wrestling was '70% mind, 30% strength.' What I want is a modernization of the real Pankration fights of ancient times.
I don't quite know how to make that happen, in my mind - So I have to keep looking for the answer.
In fact, we might not even be able to evolve wrestling in our own times - But at least we will leave behind something for the next generation. We can't let the light of wrestling die out.
A pure fight where both sides respect and acknowledge one another... That's our wrestling utopia."
KAJIWARA: "No point in tryin' to act all cool about it. Even if it's hard to put it in words, we're all tryin' to do the same thing together.
Your fighting style doesn't matter - all that counts in this business is whether or not you can step into the ring. Instead of philosophisin' and theorisin', you gotta fight first and foremost."
SANADA: "My goal is to be a sportsman like Shigeo Nakajima was... To be the superstar I dreamed of being when I was a kid."
I was drawn to this by Musashi-san's words: 'Pro-Wrestlers Are The World's Strongest.' I'm going to do what Musashi-san couldn't, and become a major player in the world - and prove his words true...
...By any means necessary."
SAEBA: "We should fight as real athletes, drawing upon their human nature."
To me, it shouldn't matter if you're a kickboxer, a karate-ka, or a judo-ka - all that is important is the roots of one's inner strength.
And I don't care if I'm all alone in this fight - I have no desire to stay in a wrestling world dominated by a repulsive, corrupt businessman.
For a pro, all that matters is gettin' results in that ring. All the rest of these company CEOs only care about their own self-interests - they're act like gang leaders, but all they can do is talk.
Even though you've plunged head-first into the world of martial arts, are you a pro athlete who turns tail and runs for it in the face of a real challenge to a fight? In a real street fight, you don't need a crowd, and you don't need a firework show.
If you lose that mutual respect for your opponent, then you won't make it as a pro. Sumisu, consider where you're going in the future... Don't take the wrong path!!"
The four U-Warriors spoke their minds. But even so, all that remained in UWH's future was darkness.
... And then, the day came to make your choice.
Sumisu, which of these wrestlers resonate with you?
Nobuhisa Sanada Jou Kajiwara Makoto Higaki Akira Saeba
With mixed emotions, Sumisu fought the four men. And thus began the final battle to settle all remaining affairs...
From here, depending on who you pick as the person who resonates with you most, you fight all four of the UWH leaders one by one. Whomever you pick will result in an unwinnable fight. Additionally, no matter who you pick, a fight with Saeba will also be an unwinnable battle.
(if you pick anyone but Higaki, you fight him first.)
HIGAKI: "A match that leads to a new tomorrow... I think the two of us could have that kind of fight."
SUMISU: "I feel the same way. I feel like I could have a match with you where victory and defeat don't matter."
(Higaki is defeated)
HIGAKI: "The winds of change have been shifting this way... Now is the time to bring that change to fruition. Even though we're following different paths, we're brothers in arms who share the same DNA.
I'll be keeping an eye on where you progress from here. I know we'll be able to fight again someday."
(if you picked Higaki, he will defeat you.)
HIGAKI: "We got a glimpse of the style we're aiming for today. Thanks, Sumisu. From now on, we are both friends and comrades in arms."
HIGAKI: "This is the birth of Hybrid Wrestling."
(if you pick Higaki, or pick Kajiwara)
KAJIWARA: "The name's Kajiwara. My finisher's the Huracan Rana. I'll wrap things up with that."
SUMISU: "Is that so? Then I'll finish you off with a Wakigatame!"
(after either beating Kajiwara on Higaki's route, or losing to Kajiwara on Kajiwara's route)
KAJIWARA: "Nicely done! Feels like, win or lose, I'd come out of it feeling good. You remind me of how Higaki was back in the old days."
SANADA: "I'll take on all challengers."
(if you pick any wrestler's route besides Sanada)
SUMISU: "You can't match up to me now!"
(if you picked the Sanada route)
SUMISU: "No hesitations here. Where do you want me to attack?"
(if you picked the Sanada route, you lose to him.)
SANADA: "You're tough. Next time, I might not be able to stop you. I couldn't let my guard down around you."
(picking anyone but Sanada, and defeating him)
SANADA: "Guess I still have a ways to go. I was weak, and you were stronger. That's all there is to it."
(No matter the route, you fight Saeba last.)
SAEBA: "If you want to be a top contender, you have to go past your Red Zone. I know you get that in you - now prove it to me!"
SUMISU: "My Red Zone? What are you talking about? Are you telling me I gotta break my way through? That's what I'm always trying to do!"
(no matter what, you lose to Saeba)
SAEBA: "When you get more experience, I bet you'll be a real monster in the ring. You're lucky to be able to grow up in this environment, in these days."
...But, that all ends today. As of now, UWH is no more. Go down whatever road you believe in the most. The 'U' name may be dead, but the spirit it embodies is immortal."
The Agony and the Ecstacy of the Chosen Ones Are Within Me 19XX.1.7
Today, the dreams of the fans died along with the remains of UWH. The scars we left behind will never fade... From here, Chapter 4 changes depending on your chosen ideology/organization. The Makoto Higaki/High Class route: CHAPTER 4: HYBRID
Following the collapse of UWH, Sumisu joined High Class, an avant-garde wrestling promotion founded by Higaki.
Although High Class sought to innovate a new style of wrestling called "Hybrid Fighting," the impact of its split-second KOs would not prove so easy to dispel...
From Holland came a self-styled Samurai, whose terrifying strikes would overwhelm Japan's Hybrid Fighters. His name was Boss Rötten, the "Sudden Strike Soldier"... a freakishly strong man.
RÖTTEN: "Fighting fills me with nothing but loneliness, and dread. But, when I overcome my dread... There's some energy inside me that I can't explain. All I know is, it gives me the strength to be a real Tough Guy."
As a proud Hybrid Fighter, I'm gonna crush you."
SUMISU: "He's like a hunter, patiently waiting to make the kill... But, I'm a Hybrid Fighter as well. And I'm not gonna lose - Not until I can avenge my loss to Higaki!"
(Rötten is defeated)
RÖTTEN: "That was my best fight ever! You're a tough guy too, Sumisu, one with way more courage than me. I'm gonna have to work hard to get back to being as tough as you."
HARLOCK: "High Class has a special place in my heart. Gruesome? I'm just there to get revenge on Voice. When it comes to a real fight, I know I can win.
I'm in my best condition today, and my heart's burning white-hot. Try not to get burned!"
SUMISU: "This is a guy who knows what it's like to fight to your absolute limits. I guess that's where he got his mental fortitude from. I can't let him dictate the momentum of this fight... I gotta STOP THE HARLOCK!"
(Harlock is defeated)
HARLOCK: "Sumisu... Someday, you might have to fight Voice Stacie, as well. And when you do, you'll beat him - I'm sure of it! You've got my seal of approval.
Next time we meet in a ring, they'll be calling you 'The Man Who Defeated Voice.'"
MIZUKI: "It's my style to snuff out my opponent's light. There's only room for one of us to shine in this ring.
Stoic shootfighting is the true future of pro wrestling. You don't have what it takes to shine in that future!"
SUMISU: "If that's what you're aiming for, then there's no way you're a Hybrid Fighter. So, let me show you what it means to be a Hybrid. Get ready, Mitsuru-san."
(Mitsuru Mizuki is defeated)
MIZUKI: "That was fun. If this is what it means to be a Hybrid Fighter, then I'll fight this way alongside you! You heard me! Higaki-san! Hey! Higaki-san!! I wanna do this, too!"
HIGAKI: "It's time for our rematch, then... I can feel something amazing inside me, ready to burst out. And that's why I've been looking forward to fighting you."
SUMISU: "Hybrid Wrestling will be my new beginning. Here I come!"
(Higaki is defeated)
HIGAKI: "Sumisu, even if you fight in another ring, you will always be a Hybrid Fighter. It makes me happy to bring in new blood. But, whether you stay or go, never forget that the two of us are forever comrades." The Akira Saeba/GONGS route: CHAPTER 4: AKIRA SAEBA
Following the collapse of UWH, Akira Saeba established GONGS on his own. Sumisu soon followed him there.
His Fighting Network spread from nation to nation, creating a mysterious new realm, and opening the fans' eyes to the sheer vastness of the world. And even now, that Network continues to grow...
GREY: "Damn greenhorn Japs... There's only clean fights in this ring. No dirty tricks...
No closed fists to the face... Treat your opponents with dignity and respect. Akira always goes on and on about this being a 'man-to-man fight'...
Heh, too bad for him that I'm a 'Cyborg', not a man..."
SUMISU: "I can't get a read on these Dutch bar bouncers. Gonna have to go beyond the Red Zone in this fight...!"
(Grey is defeated)
GREY: "If you try and fight clean in a street fight, you'll be eaten alive. You'd better remember that the next time you see me walking down the street!"
VAN: "Time to give you a taste of why people fear my Command Sambo. Incidentally... Do you know what the word 'Commando' means? Mm, that's right - I specialize in killing arts.
In the wrestling ring, we aren't fighting to kill... But know that I can take you out if I wanted to. With that in mind, are you REALLY prepared to fight me?"
SUMISU: "Did this guy really kill people in the middle of a war? There's a terrible look in his eyes... It makes me feel the fear of death itself. But I have to beat him nonetheless, or else..."
(Van is defeated)
VAN: "You've got a tremendous spirit. I think the Georgian team will like you. Once your next fight's over, perhaps I'll introduce you to some of my fighting tricks."
The Fist of the Demonic Beast, Bitanze Talwell... Standing at 2 meters tall, if he punches down at you, you're sure to be out cold and in agony.
TALWELL: "Osu! Osu! Osu! Osu!"
SUMISU: "How does the zan in 'furikazan' go again? 'Be as unmoving as a mountain'...? Seeing this guy in person makes it clear how huge he really is. If I don't figure out a way to cut this behemoth down to size, I won't be able to get past him..."
(Talwell is defeated)
SAEBA: "I won't run and hide from the likes of you. Come at me like you wanna crush me! If you come at me like we're on equal footing, then there's no way I'm losin'."
(Saeba defeats you, no matter what.)
SAEBA: "Ya still haven't reached your Red Zone. You gotta try and make me flinch, make me panic. Time to start over from square one!
You're gonna need to experience all kinds a martial arts styles from here on out. I already booked your next fights. Now go out and learn all about the importance of winnin'!" The Nobuhisa Sanada/U-INTEL route: CHAPTER 4: PRE-MEDITATED CRIME
After the collapse of UWH, Sumisu joined Nobuhisa Sanada's U-Intel. He could already sense the impending chaos in his mind...
YAMA-CHAN: "Sumisu! I've been looking for you."
SUMISU: "Yamamoto-san, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost. What happened to 'Yama-chan the Buddha?' You're supposed to be unflappable."
YAMA-CHAN: "That's enough poking fun at my expense for today. What's on my mind, more so, is why you joined up with us in the first place."
SUMISU: "What do you mean, 'why did you join us?' What's going on around here?"
YAMA-CHAN: "Up to now, you have, by all intents and purposes, been a pro wrestler, which means that you stick out here like a sore thumb. C'mon, let's sit down and have some tea.
It also wouldn't hurt if you read the news every once and a while. See?"
SUMISU: "R, right!"
U-INTEL's strategy was ingenious... Make good use of the mainstream media and incite the other wrestling organizations.
When the news caught wind of a story for a match-up between Masahiro Kouno and U-Intel's ace, Nobuhisa Sanada, Sanada proclaimed his legitimacy to the media. In the process, he drew the ire of VIEW JAPAN's offices, and the match itself was canceled.
They intended to make huge waves with the 100 Million Yen Plan. Once again making use of the media, U-Intel sent invitations to the 5 top wrestlers to compete in a world-class tournament. In the process, the fans' dreams grew and grew.
But, the invitations were sent out, knowing that the invited stars would refuse to participate. It was less about making money and growing the wrestling industry, and more about bashing their rivals and creating buzz. In other words, it was a "premeditated crime."
Four of the five invited fighters saw through the facade and rejected the invitations up front. The fifth, GONGS' founder Akira Saeba, saw this as an opportunity to revitalize the industry and, hoping to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of UWH's founding, made a proposal for an interpromotional competition.
Even though people thought this was a no-brainer business move, U-INTEL didn't like their odds, and turned down the suggestion. The public was then made fully aware of the clash between the two organizations' front offices.
U-INTEL, struggling to find its foothold, criticized both GONGS and Saeba, and in the process angered Saeba. Taking advantage of the situation, some of the sports media jumped in to defend U-INTEL, and in the process, they managed to take all the hype in the press for their own benefits instead.
...In the end, once the battle of wits played itself out in the media, it resulted in nothing - save, of course, for the fans' disappointment.
SUMISU: "W, what the hell is this!? I, is all of this for real!? Yamamoto-san, how could you have let something like this happen?"
YAMA-CHAN: "Hey, don't blame me for this, please. The reason this even happened is because of Andou and Minato... They're the ones calling the shots in U-INTEL.
Sanada and I are just contracted workers. Around here, those two hold all the sway. Even Sanada-san is at those two's mercy.
They couldn't care less about ethics, and it's not as if anyone can stop them. Even the supposedly neutral press is on their side.
And it seems like there are people there who dislike Saeba-san. Since Andou and Minato also hold a grudge against him, the two sides work towards each others' ends.
That end goal being the destruction of Akira Saeba's very existence. They want to rob him of his celebrity status as well. Though it's not as if he's so easy to crush. And if you were to ask the fans which of these two sides they prefer..."
UMISU: "I prefer Saeba-san!"
YAMA-CHAN: "Exactly. That's the fans' take on things too. However, our audience doesn't have many pro wrestling fans, so popular opinion regarding Saeba doesn't make much of a wave on our product. So this all works out in our favor."
SUMISU: "B, but is that really alright with you? These are people without a shred of moral fiber to them, using the public's ignorance to their advantage... All without a hint of punishment for their actions!"
SUMISU: "It's people like them that are putting this business in the grave! Is this really what U-Style was supposed to be!? Answer me, Yamamoto-san!"
YAMA-CHAN: "Sumisu, that's for you to decide on your own. I can't tell you what you should or shouldn't do... But, I will say that you're right. If we don't do anything, then the world of pro wrestling will die."
YAMA-CHAN: "Sumisu, I'm giving you my first and last request to you - As Kazuki Yamamoto. I want you to work with me to take down both Andou and Minato!"
After listening to Yamamoto's advice, Sumisu had to make a choice. Would he go along with Yamamoto's wishes to fight Andou and Minato, or refuse?
YAMA-CHAN: "Hey, Sumisu. What are you going to do?"
You are given a path split here - side with Yamamoto and face Andou and Minato, or side with the U-INTEL bosses and fight Yamamoto.
(Yes Route)
YAMA-CHAN: "Really? You'll do it?? ... More than likely, this isn't going to be a wrestling match. It would be more appropriate to call it a brawling match, or perhaps more simply, a 'shoot.' I feel bad for the audience..."
ANDOU: "Who the hell do you think I am, kid? I'll tell you who I am - I'm Shoji fuckin' Andou. Akira Saeba? I gotta 400% chance of beating him. He's just a fossil from the past. He's gotta be outta his mind if he thinks he's even as good as our boy Sanada-san.
Though it's rude to compare the two of 'em... Oh, well well well... If it ain't Yamamoto-san.
Who's this dumbass followin' you around? ... His name's Sumisu, huh? Well, who the fuck are you, kid!? Hey, Yamamoto-san, I can't believe you brought this fuckin' newbie here...
But, in that case, I got a 800 - no, 1,000% chance of winning here! Well, goes to show you still ain't shit compared to me, YAMA-CHAN! Hahahahaha!!"
SUMISU: "I'm not letting you get away with this any longer! You're gonna burn alive in my hellfire. 'Cause I'm coming here bearing the unholy wrath of the entire wrestling world!"
MINATO: "I don't know who the hell you are, but what I know is you've got a big mouth! All the better to make you puke your guts out with one good Solebutt!"
YAMA-CHAN: "Andou! Minato! You aren't scared enough... but you should be. Tonight's kicks are gonna be a bit sharper!"
(Andou and Minato are defeated)
ANDOU: "This ain't over yet, you little shit! I'm the head booker, got it!? You'd better get on your fuckin' knees and pray for forgiveness, because I decide whether you live or die round here!"
MINATO: "You can't run this company without me, Andou. Well, it doesn't matter what the booked results were supposed to be for tonight, 'cause the two of you are FIRED!"
YAMAMOTO: "Sorry, but it's not gonna work that way - your mismanagement ends today! The team that lost this match is blackballed from the industry! The decision was made by a concensus of the board of directors before the match - they even put out a press release for it.
There's a lot of people in this company who are sick of the way you run things, people you've burned in the process. ... In other words, it's a coup d'etat against you.
It is out of my love for this company that I am helping them bury you. I don't want to see either of you two get involved in the wrestling world ever again!"
SUMISU: "Get the hell outta here! You're nothing but the personification of evil!!"
(However, if you choose to reject Yama-chan's plea for help...)
YAMAMOTO: "What did you say, Sumisu!? Have you lost your damned mind!? ... I guess there's no getting through to you, is there. Have it your way."
YAMAMOTO: "But you'll have to fight your way through me first! That's how it is in a world where all that matters is results, after all.
I'll have to nip this attitude of yours in the bud. You'll find that my kicks hit a bit sharper tonight!"
SUMISU: "......"
(Yamamoto is defeated)
YAMAMOTO: "You're strong... Keep it up. Just know that those who see things as items on a ledger will ruin pro wrestling when you least expect it."
(No matter what, you end up fighting Nobuhisa Sanada.)
SANADA: "Well... You're hunting me down to the bitter end. I have nothing to do with the in-fighting in the front offices. All that I'm thinking about right now is winning this match - I can't afford to lose my spot at the top.
Sumisu? I've got a big match coming up next. So hopefully this will be a nice change of pace.
Mm, no matter how often I simulate the fight in my mind, I don't see any part of myself that's inferior to him. He'll have to prepare himself well...
Well, be careful not to lose your footing. Do your best!"
(If you did not assist Yama-chan, you'll be forced into a no-win scenario.)
SUMISU: "I don't know if I can beat this guy. Let's just treat this like I'm sparring with someone on a whole other level from me..."
SANADA: "Well, that's about what I expected from him. Still, I'm looking forward to how he rises up from here - I won't have another opportunity to face him again for some time, after all."
(If you did assist Yama-chan, you can beat him.)
SUMISU: "You're a good fighter, for sure. But I have nothing to lose as well. If I beat you, then I get to protect everyone's place in this world - Saeba-san's. Wakamoto-san's... And mine.
This is the end of our familial ties. I'll end the curse of U-Style here, today!"
(After defeating Sanada...)
SANADA: "I think I know the suffering you've endured now, Yama-chan. Now that I've hit rock bottom, it's still my job to steer U-INTEL in the right direction.
Well... I have nothing but gratitude to Yama-chan and him for letting me see this. No matter what, I'll put my back into this."
YAMA-CHAN: "Sumisu, are you sure you want to do this? The risks involved in a mixed martial arts fight are too great to even measure. If you fail, you'll lose the reputation you've built after all this time.
The depression that comes from losing... I couldn't put it into words, even if I tried. But you're set on this, even after I said that, aren't you?"
SUMISU: "Yama-chan... I'm sorry. But I appreciate your concerns."
YAMA-CHAN: "You shouldn't be thanking me quite yet. ... But, at any rate, do your best! That's all I can tell you to do. Now go."
SUMISU: "Good luck to you too, Yama-chan! I'm going to make it to the top, for sure."
YAMA-CHAN: "What a good young man... A rare treasure these days in the wrestling world. Heh, now then, let's start all over again with Sanada in charge!" Jou Kajiwara/Kajiwara-gumi Path: CHAPTER 4: THE CLAN LEADER
Following the collapse of UWH, Sumisu joined Jou Kajiwara in his organization, Kajiwara-gumi.
With only a few wrestlers to its name, Kajiwara-gumi struggled to put on a show. It was a true life-or-death situation for them.
Kajiwara soon received an offer from his old home company, VIEW JAPAN - and with it, he found a way to compete in the new wrestling world.
However, finding one's way in VIEW, an organization teeming with strong competitors, would be easier said than done...
DATE: "You're Kajiwara-gumi, huh? How shameless are you to come groveling for a job here!? Where's your kumi-cho's self-pride?! I couldn't care less about your U-STYLE, or whatever - but allow me, Date-sensei, to formally enroll you into this school.
... But, there's something I have to say first. I can't stand to watch you fight and put on these pathetic bouts.
Do you realize what a disservice you have done to our fans? At this rate, you don't deserve to call yourself a pro. Try again!!"
SUMISU: "Hey, pal, what's your problem? What is this nonsense? What the hell are you getting at!?"
DATE: "Your matches lack structure. Your techniques are sloppy. Put simply, you don't have what it takes to be a wrestler. You lack the overall balance necessary to compete."
A wrestler is only as good as his physical and technical backing, and you don't meet those standards."
SUMISU: "You can't just treat wrestling as a scientific theory. Nobody wants to watch a wrestler like that!"
DATE: "That's just the empty words of a person who wants to run away from the 'system' - the whining of a loser. The system justifies evaluating one's worth on this level. If you can't comprehend my words, then you aren't fit to call yourself a wrestler."
SUMISU: "...It's people like you that are the reason wrestling is going down the drain."
DATE: "Don't you DARE talk back to me! What would a rookie with no tenure like you know about this business!?"
SUMISU: "Is this how things are in VIEW JAPAN!? If you're a wrestler, then prove me wrong, one-on-one, in that ring. That's how us pros settle these arguments, isn't it!?
Kajiwara-san wouldn't give someone like you any kudos. And neither would Ittetsu-san!"
DATE: "Coming to the aid of some old soldiers, are you!? Hah! How touching. Those two might as well be dead wrestlers, in my eyes. And if they're the ones who raised you, then you're practically a zombie to me! Hahahaha!
All I need to take you down is one arm. Don't take us major leaguers lightly. I'll show you that you're nothing but a second-rate athlete!"
SUMISU: "Don't get too cocky! I'm gonna break your damn nose!"
(Date is defeated)
DATE: "No! I will NOT accept this!! If that's the only way you know how to win, then you need to get the hell out of VIEW JAPAN!"
KOUNO: "Coming here to get your old positions back, huh!? How dare you stupid dipshits come up here begging for table scraps! Time for me to send your asses back to the yellow building! Bring it, punk!"
SUMISU: "Sorry, but this isn't your season! I think it's time for ME to send YOUR ass straight across the sea and into China!"
KOUNO: "Enough talk! Put your hands up!!"
(Kouno is defeated)
KOUNO: "Time for me to go into hibernation. Sumisu, you'd better get stronger by the time summer comes around. You're not gonna get by me if you don't... Just watch!
There's a reason why they call me Masahiro Kouno, the Man of Summer!!"
KAJIWARA: "Ah, man, we ran outta sports drinks... Hey, Sumisu! Think you could grab me a sports drink from the store? ... Huh, what's that? What's with the get-up you got on now, huh?
Wha? A match? Who are you fighting today?? ....... ME? ME???
Welp, that's fine! Guess this is a tryout match, then! ... Wait, no, you already did that, didn't you? I got it! This is the master versus the pupil! Alright, let's go for it! The name's Kajiwara, by the way! But you probably knew that."
SUMISU: "Kumi-chou... You've got a different fire in your eyes this time. It's time for the pupil to overcome his master."
(Kajiwara is defeated)
KAJIWARA: "Sumisu, I got a special gift for you, actually. How about facing off with MY master? I'm sure he's got plenty to teach you, too. Really, this is your lucky day. C'mon out, Sensei!"
MUSASHI: "A while back, I went to Russia to see their amateur wrestlers. When I explained to the locals what pro wrestling was, I said something that resonated within them, made them long for the chance to be pro wrestlers, too."
Those words I said were: 'To control the joy, anger, sorrow, and emotions of thousands - no, tens of thousands - of people at your own will. That's what pro wrestling is all about.'
An inexperienced man such as myself may not have the right to put it so bluntly - but in my 30 years of wrestling, I have become convinced that this is what it means to be a wrestler. There's no other way for me to understand it.
Finding your own raisson d'etre as a wrestler is a task that each of us must endure. And now that you too are a pro wrestler, Sumisu-kun, you must struggle with finding your answer.
This old man before you must step into the ring, even though I don't know why I do it.
No, that's not quite right - I do it because I'm looking for someone who will take the monotony of pro wrestling and make it interesting once again... To find someone to whom I can pass the torch. It's pitiful, really, that even now, I have yet to find someone who could defeat a mere shell of a wrestler like myself.
There's more to wrestling than a passionate battle, or having fun. There's something that both I and my colleagues, Saeba, Higaki, and Sanada, have all forgotten about. Perhaps by fighting you, I can get that answer.
What do you think, sir?"
SUMISU: "Musashi-san... Leave it to me. I'll be the one to take charge."
(Musashi is defeated)
MUSASHI: "The 'Musashi Myth' was, from the very start, never real - it was merely an illusion. So it's up to you to create a true legend - the 'Myth of Sumisu.' Write that legend! As for me, my countdown has finally ended.
Sumisu, it's important for you to learn why other martial arts styles are to be feared, and overcome that fear. Carry on my 'Toukon'!"