Post by fullMETAL on Nov 6, 2018 23:06:02 GMT
There wasn't enough room in the subject, but this is for the PC version, not the PS4 version.
The PS4 version operates with a different set of rankings and bookers.
The PS4 version operates with a different set of rankings and bookers.
I've been long overdue in getting this particular thing started, what with working on the OTHER contendership situations (Tag, Cruiserweight, DODEKAGON) over the past 6 months, but I'm finally looking towards getting things started as we chug on forward with the official CRITICAL! Club fed.
It might be a bit obvious from the title, but here's where you can sign up if you want to join the World Championship picture.
After Allen Riggs successfully defended the World Championship against Zacariah Zealot at ARENA Rising earlier this year, the belt was left without a steady pool of contenders, given the extreme length of time leading up to the match (some of you might recall that the match was originally supposed to be on Omen's "Reunion" -- I think that was the name -- event some years back), as well as the various situations that befell previous competitors in the division.
HOWEVER! As developments develop, some of the rankings in the title picture are beginning to take shape, and now we look to YOU, the Official Roster of the CRITICAL! Club to bolster those rankings and provide a more robust pool of potential World Championship contenders.
CURRENTLY officially in the World Championship contendership picture are Axl Evermore, NorthStarLion, and Mark Spirals, as well as former World Champions Geese Walker and Wonderland.
A - If you were on any of the 16 Editions (this includes the Alts and Gaiden collections) releases of the Person Pack, you're automatically eligible and can sign up for the "Veteran Series", which is essentially a condensed version of the Title Trials format that I've kind of outlined over in the Tag Team and Cruiserweight Trials threads.
B - If you joined the Official Roster when/after World came out (official release date of July 11, 2017; joining after that makes you officially designated as "Alliance-NEO" and "Alliance-NEO Jr.") and/or your edit is FPWA-friendly (per the criteria of the Official Roster) and from an Official Alliance Affiliate (most of those are listed in the Wiki thread), you will be eligible to sign up for a special Elimination Battle Royale Series, the "NEO Series", that I will explain in further detail once a minimum number of people sign up.
C - Since this is the World Championship, all sign-ups are voluntary based on your own recognizance, as opposed to "I automatically book you after getting your permission". This "you must voluntarily sign-up yourself" stipulation also applies to any Free Agents who might otherwise have been automatically booked as a result of blanket-permission from the Free Agents thread.
D - There will be no limit as to how many edits can sign up. HOWEVER, in order to begin the Veteran Series, there must be a minimum of 10 people signed up, and in order to begin the NEO Series, there must be a minimum of 16 people signed up.
E - Even if they've already been added to the Official Roster, please include the Workshop link to your edit, as well as saying whether it requires DLC material or not, so that I can confirm their inclusion on the Official Roster. You'll also be required to make your edit's Workshop entry "Public" instead of "Friends Only" so that we all have access to it for Officially Branded(TM) Events in the event that your edit actually becomes CRITICAL! Club World Champion.
"So what will happen once enough people sign up?"
The answer is this:
1 - At the end of the Veteran Series and the NEO Series, the 3 highest-ranked wrestlers involved in each will face off in a pseudo-tourney final which will take place either sometime before next year's currently-unnamed Supershow or will take place AT the Supershow. The winner of that will become the Number Two Contender to the World Championship, with the non-winners populating the "Title Defense Tour" rankings. (I will also explain the Title Defense Tour in a separate thread, but the Cliff's Notes version is that the Champion will defend the belt against those people in the order of ranking with at least 1 of those title matches taking place each month following the Supershow.)
2 - Meanwhile, the person who emerges from the 5 previously mentioned contenders (Evermore/NSL/Spirals/Geese/Wonderland) as the Number One Contender will face Riggs for the World Championship either at the Supershow or a short time before it (with the top 2 non-winners after that joining the rankings of the "Title Defense Tour" and the bottom 2 going to the back of the line). The World Champion from that match will then face the Number Two Contender, either as the Main Event of the Supershow, or shortly afterwards in the Main Event of the "Fallout" Live Event.
3 - In addition, beginning AFTER the Supershow (as early as the "Fallout" Live Event), all the Alliance-NEO members, regardless of join date, will become eligible to fight for World Championship contendership under the same standard conditions/stipulations alongside the Person Pack veterans. This even includes rookie edits added to the roster literally the second after the video for the main event has broadcast for the first time, so there's no rush to sign your rookie up for the Roster.
Acid Tiger <NO REFUNDS>