I downloaded Tychoma's Arena Packs, Weapons, and Cage Textures.
How do I get them into the game? Not sure where exactly to put them to use them.
I have the main Madison Square Garden option and the other main generic options, but none of the modded / created arenas as options. Not sure what I am doing wrong.
Also, how do I get that amazing Chain Cage texture in the game?
In general, if I have the ModSuite installed already and working, and I download extras to add, what is the best way to get them added?
Thank you!!!
I figured it out
1. put arena in proper folder i.e AR00
2. create arena in game , create a _ent text file and put it in arena edit folder
3. in game open up arena texture database add arena , ring texture selection choose you arena at AR00 - madison square garden
4. go to modpack data and down the refresh then upload your ring and arena
5. you now have ur arena
ill make vide and put it here