What stays the same?
- The Championships/Champions stay the same as before, are the same champions across all the C!C brands, and can be booked the same way as before (notification prior to booking on an official event) by anybody who wishes to run an Official event, regardless of sub-brand.
- Events held by me continue to be held at whatever schedule they've been held under before.
- BFX will continue to run the ANARCHY Division whenever he's around.
- Geese continues to be the Best Member Ever.
What changes?
- This is now a split brand under the CRITICAL! Club banner, managed by me, with events and booking run
mainly by myself, BFX for the ANARCHY Championship whenever he's around, and anybody else who wishes to contribute to booking and events under the "FPC!" split brand.
- The "FPC!" split brand now hard-operates under the "Blue Season" schedule, which begins the day after the annual Alliance Rising supershow (usually at the end of March or April) and ends with the annual Alliance Rising supershow.
- The submission criteria to officially join the
Official Roster Collection of the Fire Pro Wrestling Alliance/CRITICAL! Club will no longer require a Non-DLC version of your edit, as it is understood that by this point, most people who book/sim Official events have at least the Takayama and/or first NJPW DLC.
I'll answer any further questions about this to the best of my ability and edit this post accordingly with any new info that arises.